
because women, the gays and Obama are ruining America’s Christian values... or something? that’s what Fox news says, so it must be true.

I wonder how this will effect returns, as Valve has stated that returning a game that just went on sale, only to re-buy it at the sale price is a legitimate reason to make a refund claim. seems you can be a little-less cautious now that this policy is in effect.

“We should have a full list of games soon...”

oh, you mean that time of the year that my bank account wants to murder me in my sleep? (like I’m gonna be actually getting any sleep now...)

and we want Jimi Hendrix and George Carlin back while you’re at it.

“it’s actually the Florida Suncoast Dome.”

I could only imagine how high my cellular data usage would be if I had that where I live, it’d be in a never ending loop of uploading constant potholes to the cloud.

wait, to commit suicide, or MURDER? my money would have been on the latter.

“reporting on eleven years’ worth of data”

“you got a Mustang and now the first thing you’re going to do is get a Camaro to compare it to? Congrats, you’re the first person to think of that.”

50% chance its a boy, and a whopping 100% chance of it being a total douche bag when it grows up.

OK, so I did just that, I read EVERY single one of the 42 comments currently posted, and not once do I see anything vaguely resembling “Gee, I didn’t know salt doesn’t rust/corrode metal.”

up next, all the reasons why you need an air conditioner when you live in Florida:

right, that’s up there with “don’t wanna get killed by police, then don’t break the law.” - just brilliant...

“She’d take my hands and push them up under her shirt and tell me I was tickling her. Then she started making me pull down my pants. It was awkward. I didn’t know what was going on, but I knew something wasn’t right.

below there are 2 pictures.

meatsack, meatbag, same difference.

Now playing

I think I now know where Pizza Hut is getting inspiration from:

in other words the “LE - law enforcement variant” is EXACTLY the same as the military version, but instead comes in blue (instead of camo) with some blue/red lights added on it (cause ya know, police). the paint-job and lights definitely make it less dangerous/intimidating/capable than it’s “military only”

so if I stick a “LE” badge on this, that makes it “law enforcement” only then huh?