
Riffing is not funny if it's on some purposely-built riff-bait like Sharknado. See everything Tommy Wiseau's done post The Room where he thinks he's funny. It has to be on something that's played straight.

Or the sexy muted trumpet xD


Yeah that sounds like Joel, you're right :)

You can watch pretty much all of them on Youtube. Pair it with an episode guide (so you know the names and numbers to look for) and enjoy! :) I'd say skip the KTMA and first seasons for now and dive straight into the second. They really got great in that season and by then and you have TV's Frank as well.

Oh how I wish that were true xD

Might be his last, so I'm super happy he got this done.

No chance. Half her spirit haunts the wood of the hotel and the other half is in the lodge, she is caught between two worlds. Sad ending for Josie.

Always been.

"Sweet Deals On Surgery
Presumably a Burning Airlines reference." Which is in turn a reference to a Brian Eno song from Tiger Mountain. META META ACHIEVED.

Yeah, bipartisan support for all kinds of ways of swindling the working class. When I used to hear this argument my follow-up question was always "Yes, but bipartisan support for what?"

Yeah it's like Warner never takes down their old movie sites xD

I also like how the clues that this is not 1960 America build up. At first it seems like the Soviet Union in the Stalinist period with an American veneer, and then you notice not just the phone but the fact that they have turbine cars like the famous Chrysler.

That was awesome, loved the music. Definitely must see it now! Oshii and Kazunori Ito also did the wonderful Patlabor series of TV anime, movies and OVA. Well worth seeing if you haven't.

Quinto always sounds like that to me (pretentious), which is a reason I can't stand him as Spock.

Love this movie, the music, the ambience.. it's great. As for which is the best movie of '59, while The 400 Blows is great I think Hiroshima Mon Amour is better.
A minor note: "Carnivale" is Italian, in Portuguese you'd call it "Carnaval"

I think one could watch the trailer for Man of Steel and feel content that they haven't missed anything of value, quite the contrary actually.

Worse is when they won't work even after you disable your adblocker or whitelist them. I'm looking at you,

In 1996 Bernie Sanders voted NO on this corporate giveaway junk. But of course, the DNC wanted Hillary and Hillary we got.…