
I think the format alone (one continuous developing story throughout the season) will give it time to be something else, and possibly quite good. I wouldn't write it off yet.

Hey, it has an 86% in RT, same as Into Darkness xD Whatever they are doing, it's (unfortunately) working.

Looks like your dad was super cool!

Today in reasons to destroy capitalism.

And Half-Life 2.

You are part of a good ka-tet, it seems.

Stop there where you are before you go too far..

Much as I like the movie, that ending is still to me the worst thing about it. It's the most anti-Dune thing that you could do and the entire foundation for the world of the first three books. Sometimes that kind of approach works, here it's just stupid.

The ever-present pug and Jack Nance come to mind. Also the tone is pretty weird. Great visual design too.

Certainly a classic, certainly not short!


Wouldn't "acting like Iggy Azalea" be "copying her style" or "being inspired by her"? What if a POC started acting like some white performer? It seems to me people who call out "appropriation" all the time have this tribal, star trek-like view of races where every person from a particular race acts a certain way and

"The swing music revival in the 90s is like if kids were to revive 70s disco music in the 2040s."
I'm sure something like that will happen.

Culture appropriator!

Badmotorfinger too.

Soundgarden's Badmotorfinger too. For real, 91 and 92 were huge musically even to 13-14 year old me. There was a lot of cool stuff to choose from.

Actually it says both. Captain Trips in one scene and just Captain in the next.

I wonder if she's going to end up living on that oil platform they keep showing us in the intro.

Is it available on MC5?