
This version makes me feel like I miiight as well be walking on the sun

First the Hater and now the Tolerability Index! THANKS OBAMA!

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I love DCC, the sort of audio equivalent of D-VHS.

It seems to me like maybe they could have used the added capacity to record higher quality music instead of video? I'm sure there's a host of problems with that too but as RCA crashed and burned with the VideoDisc I'm sure they wanted nothing else to do with it.



I thought the movie was all right and it certainly looked great, but while I like Matt Damon a lot I found his character insufferable. Same with how all the characters had to be trading smiling barbs with each other to appear 'so real' all the time which got really grating really fast. Had the feeling of rosy STEM

I am Super-Woman!!

That ending is fantastic. After all the sound and fury of the chapel scene, that 'so.. now what?' feeling the movie leaves you with via the characters is not just modern but adult and deliberately anti-epic. I haven't seen it in years but it's the part that sticks with me the most.

I think I've seen that article xD

I think the fundamental problem with wanting Gibson in Fury Road is that you're essentially asking for a different movie. Beyond the fact of Gibson's personal shenanigans (anti-semitic, violent to his girlfriend, acted in the expendables) and how this would have been too much to overcome in a movie that makes pretty

That looks quite interesting, thanks! I love that show.

It having happened in Derry makes so much more sense. Not that it couldn't happen in HPF Town in Kentucky, but Derry has a special murder influence within its borders.

I thought it was ridiculous that he chucked his phone, maybe an act of mild desperation? Not only could he use it for all that you point above (it's a pocket computer!), but doesn't he open himself to someone finding it in the years in between and polluting the timeline? Please let's not get a shot of a young Steve

I have not read the book and don't really like Franco, but I quite liked the first episode. The conceit of preventing the Kennedy assassination is the 'killing Hitler' of the Camelot generation; its consequences (real and imagined) have cast such a long shadow on culture that everything about the setup has instant


[pregnant pause]