
Oliver Twist-Head by Chuck Dick

Is Zenn the zombie version of Venn?

Don't forget "Mafia!" too, another Lloyd Bridges slapstick spoof, this time of The Godfather and mafia movies.

"Michael!" Used to love that game in the arcades.

Rose-chan.. onegaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiii!

Can I use to the bathroom? NO!

I've said it a million times, but you can be a white latina/o. As an example, just look at the ruling classes in most latin american nations and you'll find a sea of white faces with little countervailing color.


Los audiovideófilos!

You wanna antagonize me?

No clue.. I neither like nor use iTunes myself but you can find a used copy of the CD on Amazon for like $2 and easily rip it yourself.

I really wish the Venus in Furs band had made more stuff or had unreleased tracks. The whole OST is fantastic.

Absolutely killer soundtrack. One of my all-time favorites.

The AV Club: "the serious version of The Onion"

Could very well be. In the book the reality depicted in the novel "The Grasshopper Lies Heavy" is not our reality either. It is quite similar (Allies win the war) but there's significant differences in how it came about.

With how bad those movies are, his campiness is actually a welcome respite every time he shows up.

I don't know, I liked Pine in that he had the Kirk swagger and was doing the subtlest of Shatner impressions (specially in ST09). He may have been directed into amorphousness by now though.

I've never liked Quinto as Spock myself. His Vulcanness is more in line with that of the Enterprise Vulcans where they always look like they are about to burst in anger. Spock and Tuvok looked calm and in control, Quintpock looks angry and way too emotional.

That was my first thought as well xD