
Oh god not goddamn Kinja.. it's the most unreadable comment format ever.

Such a beautiful shot of the ceiling fan with the shadows too.

She had the lodge colors on her nails. Red, black and white.

That scene of him reciting the "Fire walk with me" poem is so chilling, on of the highlights of the series. He is incredibly good as Mike.

The (beef) jerky had a cow symbol which looked from a distance like that horned sigil Mr. C has on a card in his pocket.

Honestly, this is why I never liked South Park from the beginning. Its glib satire to me was shallow and got old fast; it also scorched the idea of any kind of ideal, leaving open the door for all kinds of asshole behavior and detachment to be elevated to life philosophies and an unchallenged conformist consumerism as

TNG was set 100 years in the future. I get that there's an element of "new generation, different presentation", but this doesn't seem to connect with anything from Prime at all save some names and characters.

How does any of this fit with The Cage or TOS at all? I get that they are not going to completely redo the turtleneck era but there's zero point of contact. To me it's a reboot (or part of the JJ reboot) in all but name. Probably the only reason it's not set in the JJVerse is that they want to keep that timeline open

No hot girls in catsuits you mean?

I also thought it was interesting that her performance looked very acted and lip-synced (pretty sure it's her singing on the track though), a nod to her turn in Mulholland Dr. Almost expected her to die halfway xD

I really hope we get to see more of Red browbeating Richard. It was like the rebirth of Frank from Blue Velvet.

Yeah! I've feared for her life so many times.. xD

And Harper too! Glad they have all made it this far.

I thought that was really bad too. I know it's an American show and they have to hate on everything and anything the Soviets did, but he was the first person in space for christ's sakes. It's like if we had the "John Glenn" garbage scow.

I think this trailer misses the point. The self-seriousness was part of the fascist message that ST lampoons.

You're such a little brat!

Muchas aventuras hay en Pato-landia
Con los chicos malos y también los bue-nos
Habrá misterios
Historias reales..

Me personally, I think this is great.

FLAC, baby.