
Yeah I really didn't like that. All this so they can set up the "Mr. Robot was right" arc for Elliot or something (I haven't seen the rest of the episodes yet). Didn't like that one bit. Waste of a good character and actress for perfunctory edginess between two men.

Also kind of weird that in this day and age they would have a cassette just sitting about for that visual.

Like you're ever going to give up ancient, utterly played-out jokes it seems.

Yeah, I completely agree that the TMP era uniforms look dull with those pastels and in general are not very good, but I've never liked the WoK -era uniforms myself. They look bulky, uncomfortable and kind of silly with that little flap at the front, I don't get why they have had such staying power in Trek. A better

Inside it's just a cheaply furnitured Black Lodge of sexual indequacy.

So much this. The weird, mysterious vibe that this movie has is completely lacking in all the sequels.

I'll always argue for TMP myself, best of all the Trek pictures. You can argue that it can be too much of a good thing sometimes, but movies after it sorely lack that sense of mystery and depth.

Not at all, I loved (and still love) TMP, even more with the added footage. To me the trek side of discovery and deep questions is more the trek I like than the one of pastiche and zany white guy comedy. Not that there's not an enjoyable side to that, but I am an undying fan of TMP because it feels less zap-zap-raygun

That's reality, baby.

You're thinking of 'The Adventures of Stella Star'

Bad Boys: Dawn of Justice

I thought the trailer was great myself. Sure, today it'd be more polished, snippy and to the point, but it does a great job of conveying the atmosphere and tone the movie is going for. Very 70s for sure, but I think it works quite well its theme of faded glory and existences spent under the electric light of the city.

Ditto. Runaways remains an anomaly in the field.

"he also clarified that he’d have no problem “creating a superhero who’s homosexual,” or “a black one, a Latino one, a Chinese one,” or whatever."

I'm sure they play Linkin Park a lot on set..

Method Squad

I just saw someone comment on facebook how "McFarlane is one of the few people left in Hollywood with any balls. I just watched A Million Ways to Die in the West an laughed my ass off." I feel I should start a "repostedsethmcfarlanefan" gimmick account.

Where's The Covenant? Where bare-chested, oiled hunky bros in bed call each other at night on their Nokia phones.

Wayward Pines is a post-apocalyptic Fallout Vault. I wonder when we get to see Gary Town. Seriously, I'm quite enjoying the series and it's quite bold that they went with such an early reveal but this probably just means there's more twists to come. Also, did Dr. Pilcher save pretty much 98.5% white people? MEIN

And why that goddamned plug and hole setup??