
I was 17 at the time, prime 90s real estate.

No use trying to talk over this..

Mr. Clemens!

I don't think it's "just" the steel, I think Jon is Azor Ahai.

"Lends itself to exploitation" Fantastic.. lol.

Lovely. Nothing beats the original TP opening of course, and it's the theme song that really "makes it" but kudos on the talent on display.

Sestero himself, doing Tommy voices all around.

"The new piracy record comes only weeks after HBO launched HBO Now, the $15 service that allows users to watch HBO without a cable subscription package"

He also punches wasps.

Hey, a white guy gained some superpowers!

Of course! Thanks!

No "A serious man" anywhere on the list? Man that movie's awesome. So glad to see Inside Llewyn Davis thoug, definitely one of my top favorites from the last 15 years.

This is so unfunny it's not funny.

No waste here.. and there's enough material left for two or three more Madonna power hours. Awesome!

Not at all. It's been forever since I read the original story but the movie's good.

Always felt this one was quite underappreciated. Weller lends class to the whole proceedings but it's pretty good in itself. Such a relentless downer from beginning to end.

He should invite Yusuf Islam and they should do a religious beard-off.

No Big Ed? ::cry::