
Yeah, that’s a great question. Legoland Damascus?

Something like a multi-layered station window?

Will the repair affect their no-claims bonus?

As the owner of an actual “sand colored” 2003 Corolla, I find this whole spectacle somewhat bewildering.

OF COURSE the million mile Toyota Tundra is beige.

Man teens need to go out and shoplift or smoke cigarette butts off the ground or something....

You should start a weird fan group for a certain celebrity pet and use them to target other celebrity pets you deem unworthy.

1.) Wear a fucking helmet, shitheel. Safety first.

She’s going to make you pay deerly for jokes like that.

Based on Palin’s background, are we sure she wasn’t saying “Paul Ryan and his elk?

Duff Man is thrusting in the direction of the problem!

If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.

Yeah, I mean I don’t really trust the statements of a person who voluntarily calls themselves Freelee The Banana Girl.

I would think the results would depend on what else she gets in there, in addition to the 51 bananas . .

I have a friend who, thanks to Freelee, became a raw till 4 vegan for 3 years. 1- He was anorexic before and just used veganism as a way or being disordered.


Mm hmm, tell me about all the vegans who have bullied you. I used to eat meat and nobody cared. Now I’m vegan and I get hassled about it constantly even though I only mention it when I have to and it’s nobody’s fucking business but mine what I eat.

I think people who can't bother to make their bed before proposing genocide need to step the fuck up.

I’m totally with you on this. I eat a healthy vegan diet (ie., not 50 bananas or whatever nonsense this chick is claiming to subsist on). I don’t hide my diet, but I don’t live to talk about it, either. These people need to put the selfie stick down and get a real life.

“...eats 51 bananas a day...”