
All you need to know, is that if someone refers to you as a “woke bae”, you need to slap the fire out of that person.

I am astonished at all the anti-bikers here. Not the people anti-assholes-on-bikes because I am in total agreement there. But people who don’t think riding bikes for fun is a thing. It’s really fun! Quicker than walking! Great on a campus! Easy to park! All these things. Biking is fun. You guys are weirdos.

Riding a bike is way more fun than walking, scooting, running etc. I can push my bike to the performance limits and it is still perfectly legal. That is something i can’t do with my car.

What. The. Fuck. Did. I. Just. Read.

I only ride bikes on trails and side streets because YOU SUCK AT DRIVING YOU MOTHERFUCKER!

Literally all i hear from this post: “WAHHHHHHHHHHhhh something got in my way. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! The road is for ME ONLY!!! :( :( :( :( :( “

Honestly, they would prefer we die than wait 2 seconds to do something that increases our safety. Drivers are psychotic.

As a bike rider, I want you to know that every car I’ve ever seen on the road has been just picture perfect. Stop at every light. Never roll through a stop sign. Always signal for lane changes, and of course, I never see any drivers playing with their phones or swerving around in the lanes.

Yes, we know that you guys wish cyclists dead. When Gawker posted about a cyclist in NYC being purposefully mowed down and killed the entire comment section was people complaining how awful cyclists. No one was horrified by the fact that a man was murdered. I’ve since decided the people who hate cyclists are just

Everything about this is straight up wrong! My bicycle gives me freedom, exercise, transportation. I sail past rush hour traffic! I discover my city in a whole new way! Bike ownership has never once been the soul crushing money suck that is car ownership. Somethin needs fixing on the bike? $100 tops. On a car? $100

The lack of a sense of humor on this site is really getting to be too much.

Yeah, he’s doing a kinder, softer version of his Colbert Report persona a lot of the time, and I think is incredibly well meaning, but I don’t blame his non-white guests for not always wanting to be part of a teachable moment for his (presumably mostly) white audience when they’re promoting a show. And I do think

It could be him, and it’s disappointing/tiring/boring that he asks every cast member, but his question is a laugh line, he and the studio audience knows its a sorry question, and I think assuming he doesn’t know the answer(especially by now) is forgetting that he’s still performing. It’s certainly not as an aggressive

You don't. Flakes are assholes.

I’ll take the Listeria over having to hear the term “butt-hurt” one more god damn time.

“You’re a prison” is such a good comeback.

Also, he was not ever married to a black woman. His last wife was Latina, the rest of the women he was seriously involved with were either white or Latina. Not one black woman.

You can be married to a black woman and still be a racist. It happens a lot. Viewing an entire racial or ethnic group as inherently inferior while simultaneously viewing them as sexualized fetish objects is a basic component of racism. Just ask Thomas Jefferson.

I don’t think he is a bigot, but an insecure egotist who found confidence in a macho persona that wears tribalism and crank beliefs like a badge of honor. While his personal ethos seem magnanimous, he hasn’t had a challenged thought in over 20 years.

Racists dont consider themselves ‘racist’ because that implies they are wrong. They think of themselves as un-PC truth-tellers who are just pointing out the “reality” that most people of a certain race have certain negative attributes that theirs does not.