
The charges in this case are clearly excessive, but that’s not my issue.

They were merely exchanging long protein strands. If you can think of a simpler way, I’d like to hear it.

Something weird was happening, for sure. I feel like maybe she grabbed his tentacle before he had a chance to transmogrify it back into human form and they both had to cover.

Well that’s honestly my suspicion for the most part, but I’ve been met with charges of sexism around here before when I pointed out that she was, factually, a Third Way corporatist.

Ideally, but have a suspicion she’d basically plant whoever her corporate buddies ask her to plant in those positions.

You are never going to get this argument to end. Just go about your day and don’t waste any time on this crap. It has been determined by pseudo-association that you are a racist, sexist demagogue and that YOU are part of the problem, with this type of crowd. You’ve been marked, and this school of opinion does not

This seems like a reasonable statement and I want to agree with you. Can I do that without incurring wrath of the commentariat? If not, then, Alpaca, how dare you?!

“That’s a disingenuous concern because at that level, literally every person that Hillary considers will be eminently qualified.”

In that situation I’d still want the best qualified people to fill the position while working to change this stupidly fictional law college.

Do you really think Jez is anti-Hillary? Anyone here who criticizes Hills gets dogpiled on within minutes.

Me: Hey, I like chocolate milk!

It’s no use dude. I’m in the same boat as you, I could not care less what’s between the legs of those in government, I just ask that they do a good job.

This is Jezebel, bud. You have to speak like a fucking emotionless robot that doesn’t even make any *implications* as to who should be hired.

“No one ever brings up “qualifications” unless someone is promising to hire women or people of color.”

You’re going to change your tune in 10 or 20 years, when this equality trickles down to you.

What if the Jezebel bloggers are honest about Clinton when she does something liberal or feminist or cool, and are equally honestly about Clinton when she does something illiberal or politically cynical or not cool?

Ooook? Is this some kind of weird roleplay now?

Hillary Clinton is a feminist the same way Donald Trump is a trailblazing reformer.

Finally breaking the empty suit glass ceiling.

White House Press Secretary is actually not a cabinet position. But more importantly, lets keep the pundits out of politics as much as possible please.