Boris Roberts

There’s the rub. The dealer is going to offer her about $4.50. And put it on the lot at about $45,000, since they want to make a buck or a little more, on every angle of this transaction. Financing, they will bump (if they arrange your financing, and I just recently found this out, it shocked me) the interest rate by

Unless she is Mary Pozzi.

Do you know how many cashier’s checks I’ve been offered from bogus buyers on Craigslist, with the stipulation that I don’t ship my 91 Toyota truck (with 280,000 miles on it, on the original head gasket) to Ireland or Botswana, until it clears, I guess on the assumption that some banks will just cash it, and I’ll send

Dangerously close to harassment there, buddy. You’d better not ask her if she wants to be in a movie.......

Judging by your IVF, maternity benefits, and birth control remarks, you are coming from a viewpoint of religion, which is fine. But, I don’t want YOUR religion, to have any influence on my healthcare, my wallet, my dog, my job or anything else. I guess you don’t have any relatives or friends that require any maternity

Does it really affect you? After a very scientific study/survey I did, I don’t know anyone that is on it, everyone I know is employed at real jobs with benefits (well, there is a pretty good percentage on disability/social security, which equals medicare/medical/VA), because this is a pretty expensive area to live,

You and I react a bit differently. Now, I am real quick to come back with, “Look here, Cocksucker.....”, not in a sexual harassment, homophobia sort of way, but in an insulting, familiar, Prick sort of way.

I wouldn’t tolerate that crap with my kids, but, I wouldn’t have them in a Catholic school anyway (any religious school, nothing against Catholics), I’ve witnessed and have also heard way too many stories about them.

Although I’m not a woman, I can identify with much of what you said. I’ve worked for plenty of people (men and women) that truly loved to yell at, belittle, ridicule and insult the people that work for them. Instead of appreciating them for taking some (or all) of the load off them, they always try to blame them for

I’m not condoning ole Harv’s behavior or anything, but with his apparent....arrogance, the comfort and ease with which he pushed himself onto these women that are now being heard, I’m wondering how many woman have just tolerated it, took it as the price you had to pay, to be in show business? After all, the casting

My co-worker has a Simca. It’s a good thing he is a Tool and Die maker, because he can’t buy any parts in this country. Had to make his own valve guides and whatnot.

I bought a 1977 Plymouth Volare 4 door from the Monterey County Probation department. A fine piece of machinery. 318, hard vinyl seats, some holes where the spotlights used to be. (I don’t know why probation needed spotlights, but they used to be there). I bought it because I was a brokedick, it was $300. About 1

You meant “blight” didn’t you?

Saved Chrysler from financial doom? You’re kidding, right? I would opine that the K-car was one of the many downfalls of Chrysler. Even now, they seem to be just barely hanging on, although they do seem to sell a lot of Chargers and Challengers to the younger crowd around here, and quite a few trucks also (is that a

We’ve got some of those guys around here. Ticket them, screw ‘em. I’ve seen many of them up close. They are for the most part, completely hack. Roll bars that aren’t welded or even bolted in, some even made from muffler tubing. Springs heated until they collapse on the bumpstops. Shocks that aren’t connected. Crossing

Backers? They make enough money off riders and drivers (did I read correctly, that overall, the drivers average about $9.75/hour? After using your 4 year old or newer vehicle, your own gas, and quite possibly, being verbally or physically abused in your own bad car.

Lots of good tips, but.....with approx. 500,000 cars and trucks, there are going to be companies that become very well practiced in cleaning up a flood damaged car, chances are pretty high that you might get a flood car at some point, in probably any state.

Not any kind of engineer, just a former maintenance machinist, now labeled Tool and Die Maker, I think that JB Weld should require a license or permit to buy. The number of things I’ve had to fix/repair/make completely over, after its had JB Weld smeared all over it, is kind of astonishing. Some people should not be

The 100 mpg carburetor that the gas companies killed the inventor to keep it from the market. Same with the Hydrogen Generator. Killed them to protect the market. Man, I feel like a chimney there is so much smoke blowing up my butt. I should get a chimney colored plaid shirt.......

I wouldn’t say that, either. More and more people I know, are carrying handguns (and I live in CA, land of the nonexistent concealed/carry permit, so yeah, they are carrying illegally). And I’ve been pretty surprised at who is carrying, too. People that I would not expect to be carrying a gun.