Boris Nikolayevich

Oh, man, I totally get it. My partner is the same way. I remember one time I got an erection without her permission and she was so angry and offended. I tried to explain that sometimes I just wake up that way and it’s not even a sexual thing, but she argued that it meant I must not be satisfied with her and was

Dude, that’s a whole lotta drunk white kids.

Maybe I’m just freaky, but the idea of walking in on my partner getting off on porn is phenomenally hot.

Tastelessness aside, this move makes no sense if you’re not going to charge admission to the guests who do show up as well. At some point you decide whether you’re inviting guests or selling tickets to an event.

There are a lot of other players who did nothing wrong.


I know, right? You should be able to violate somebody’s civil rights for much less money than that.

Why even bother reviewing this when you hate everything about Seth MacFarlane and his sense of humor?


This art series is nothing short of brilliant.

The good news is that the lone woman standing before you did not lost all her money.

He was suspended for three years. The point was that he wouldn't be on campus while I was there.

Close. Keep guessing.

So much this.

Censorship is never a good thing because it only let those ideas fester in the dark ,reappear in a very pernicious way, reach an audience that might have dismissed it may those writings were out in the open.

Speaking as somebody with a burner account, my ability to post without tracking my IP address doesn't trump Gawker's responsibility to serve its readers., and its readers don't deserve to be flooded with violent rape imagery.

Is there any particular reason why burner accounts can't have certain HTML tags turned off so

The argument about not tracking IP addresses in case anybody wants to anonymously post a great story is weak, but even if you buy it I don't understand why those anonymous tipsters with great stories need to be able to post images. Can't you just disable HTML features like image tags for burner accounts?

Fired for shit that wasn't even on the air & wasn't illegal.

Sorry dude, but a decimal is a unit of measurement used in disc equipment that speeds up and slows down records altering the pitch.