Boring White Female

True story: I once clicked on the Late Night portion of the HBO site thinking it was where they put the late night talk shows. This was like a month ago. 

By all means tip servers well. But don’t do it because you want people on social media to think you’re rich and/or a good person.

Alternate-Alternate Take: this is perhaps the only way you’re going to get some people to tip at all, much less less 100%, so it should be encouraged for as long as it lasts. If their vanity gets money to people who deserve it, so be it. In a month they’ll be back to grumbling “They already get paid. Why should I give

Men shouldn’t have sex if they’re not prepared to accept that the woman may get an abortion.

First thing I thought too. Was gonna comment it but saw yours, so star for you instead.


Fuck, I thought you meant the band

That one eyebrow is trying to escape from her body. I hope it writes a tell-all. 

I appreciate the pettiness of using the worst possible photo of her.

“The Trump National Hudson Valley? Why, she died on the way to prom night 50 years ago…”

You’re talking about suggestive “ghetto” names, and your company is named “Mantality”? GTFO, right now.

Kim to her stylist: I would like my whole outfit to be as uncomfortable as humanly possible.

where do they become adults

Hey you know what we need? More women in politics.

No, it’s a complete thought, and it’s entirely correct. It’s the same basic interaction that’s helped Daryl Davis get 20 KKK members to hang up their robes and disavow their hatred. He’s indirectly responsible for 200 KKK members walking away from their racism.

Now playing

Nothing puts a fatass racist off more than chafing those buttery thighs of theirs.

In a related story, the White House announced it will be providing, free of charge, a full catered lunch on the south lawn to the very fine people holding the “United the Right 2” rally. Included in this luncheon is special chance to meet future SCOTUS judge Brett Kavanaugh and advise him how to rule on future civil

Maybe set up a burner email account for car buying, which you can ignore or delete when you have purchased.  Works for me.

This is why rich people are the worst. You and I, we wouldn’t be caught dead in a vile place like Trump Tower. The rich, however, will.

This is off topic but the title of the movie made me think of it: dads are bullshit. Sure, maybe not all dads, but what the hell happened to men that almost none of my friends or the people I work with talk to their dads, or even if they do, they don’t like it. Especially since the orange crust was elected, I’ve had