Boring White Female

Some people thrive on procrastination and do their best work under those circumstances. I aced my way through high school and college leaving everything until the last minute. Most my best work was produced the night before it was due. Also, being bad with deadlines is a pretty common trait for writers, even the editor

I saw this on Twitter:

This may be beside the point, but it’s something I’ve thought about a lot (in a different context): what she accused him of is not technically sexually assault. She even said that she “let” him do it, so he had her consent even if she didn’t want to be having sex. I am thinking of the “maintenance” sex that many women

This world deserves a fucking meteor. 

Meh, sounded way to normal.

Every single time I am at TJ Maxx or Nordstrom Rack and I reach for something and then realize it’s Ivanka’s brand, I instantly recoil and shudder.

Oh, more phony Hollywood bullshit. He doesn’t even look like he’s in his mid 90's!!

CARB was created to regulate CA’s emissions. Other states signed on because they wanted to follow the same standards. Has nothing to do with CA wanting to control the country.

“...nabbing him at his parents’ home where he lives in the basement.”

That parking lot though...

The good news is that your favorite President did nothing wrong!

No. He is creating this mess. No one should feel sorry for him. 

The entire maternal side of Meghan’s family seems to be managing just fine without turning into a salty, thirsty, embarrassing hot mess.

only the good die young..... that fuckers gonna live till he’s 141 years old

I agree! A light, refreshing cocktail that has a beautiful color but isn’t cloyingly sweet? I’m in! 

I know it’s been said already but trump is such a staggering idiot. I mean  just unbelievably incredibly, astoundingly dumb.

Sounds like you have pretty terrible taste in music

Band I never heard of”

plenty of people’s parents die at a young age and they don’t go on to abuse children but thanks for coming out!!!