Boring White Female

I turn 37 in a few months, I guess I better start looking at walkers and walk-in bathtubs.

This country fucking sucks.

I feel exactly the same, except I googled all their ages and now I’m just like, “kids, what is your RUSH?” If I was that young and hot and richer than shit, nothing but nothing could make me get married. You all are crazy.

I hope he gets cancer and dies a miserable death.

Those interviews with Iowa soy bean farmers saying.. this is gonna hurt our family and so many farmers here.. but Trump is a good businessman so we are just gonna do out best”.

I am not one of those people.

When George Lucas wrote “So this is how liberty dies; with thunderous applause”, I thought it as a hack line.

I tan straight through an SPF 70.* I use it anyway because otherwise I burn but if I get cancer someday that’s just the way it goes. Because I’m neither staying inside nor wearing long sleeves when it’s 85 degrees. I’m not intentionally tanning, but it’s a side effect of my outdoor activities. I just wish the tan line

Telling 100% white crowd how awful black players are and how stupid white billionaires are... a day after 7 sitting senators were in Russia for the 4th of July kissing the arse of tRump’s handler. And they laugh and applaud while the trade war starts, babies are lost/in cages/separated from parents, and he’s under

I want every single person on every single NFL team to stay in the locker rooms.

Most stories about Bourdain’s will have called out the $1.2 million figure as considerably less than they’d expected, to which I’d like to comment, “Let’s not.”

That video of Josh Duhamel’s gf (I can’t be bothered to scroll back up) preening around with a ‘body positive message’ as the caption is giving me an eye twitch.

“If you see Ivanka on the street, first, call her Tiffany. This will devastate her.”

I can live with herpes.

Good to see you again! Congrats on the 5 months!

Ha! I guess I need to listen to it now. Random use of BABABOOEY is never not funny to me.

So let’s see, in the last 2 days at the SCOTUS.......

Big Trump Hater Congressman Joe Crowley” Loses to Bigger Trump Hater

I say fucking bring it on. Let those idiots who bought into Trump’s bullshit suffer. I’m completely ok with being in a dumpster fire nation.