Boring White Female

The Kardashian-Jenner man-picker is collectively broken, and they seem to only be with garbage humans and egomaniacs. Of COURSE Kylie wouldn’t sleep with Tim Chung—he’s an attractive professional man with no hugely messy and very public back story.

I will gladly offer my lady parts to Tim Chung.

I thought this was her in a mirror and was confused by perspective wowee

We can’t.

“Endangered everyone’s lives”
Being drunk/high is a fair thing to complain about, but sounds like Ms. Gorman is the type of person that wants to “speak to your manager” when you tell her there’s no sales going on.

Can you further explain your honest mistake? Seriously.

I know somebody who went to the worst law school in Georgia that routinely loses their accreditation but this woman was a bad bitch and super, super sharp. She is an immigrant and I think that probably had something to do with her choice. Meanwhile I went to a good law school and I am a moron lmao.

“People know right from wrong and anyone we track down who kept a dollar of this money all be arrested for theft. The time to do the right thing an call us to turn in the money is now, because once we knock on your door, you won’t be able to avoid being arrested.”

Seriously! I feel like people who seem really outgoing and friendly often suffer from anxiety. Because 1) those are totally unrelated things but, also, 2) sometimes you get really anxious about not being friendly or nice enough and then hurting people’s feelings. Sometimes it’s a symptom of anxiety rather than

We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.

Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.

I really hope they don’t take pollen from bees who’ve worked hard to collect it just to sell to rich, gullible idiots. Just scrape it off the hood of your car or scoop it up from water puddles.

Seems legit.

Forcada, the art historian who first sounded the alarm, noticed buildings that appear in some of the paintings didn’t actually exist in Terrus’ time.

This faux outrage on both sides of the political coin about Michelle Wolf is cracking me the fuck up. That entire administration deserves much much worse than some jokes. They could all be on fire and not a goddamn citizen should piss on them for even the slightest bit of relief.

He didn’t collude as much as be the easiest mark for Rusian intelligence and the greatest backdoor social engineering hack ever pulled off. I am willing to bet Trump slipped a gifted gold plated Russian USB stick or two into some WH systems and they have so many state secrets that they sold to China who then, knowing

Watching Republicans gleefully dismantle any protections we have for the environment/workers/consumers/women and trying to put a big “Whites Only” sign on our country makes me incapable of being friends with them either. That bullshit excuse of “I just believe in fiscal responsibility and small government” hasn’t

I just can’t imagine continuing a relationship (platonic or romantic) with someone after discovering they actively support Trump. There’s just no way. I’m not saying I could never be friends with a Republican, depending on which issues have made them lean right, and to what extent. But again, Trump is a *whole