Did you see the little thing with John trying on outfits and then face timing them to her for her critique? I won’t ruin it for you but the end just had me dying!
Did you see the little thing with John trying on outfits and then face timing them to her for her critique? I won’t ruin it for you but the end just had me dying!
Goddamn Angela Bassett is so fucking beautiful
way to find something...
Disillusionment in the Dems should move us to the left, not the right. That’s what really upsets me about black people acting like right wing tokens for these conservative media outlets/think tanks saying “Dems don’t care about you!” is that thought provoking. There are plenty of fair critiques to be made about Dems…
What? Elf. You are dead to me.
Rich people are clueless. I mean what do they have to lose? This is all probably entertaining for them or something to discuss over cocktails. It has no meaningful impact on their life. That’s why Kanye can tweet out crazy ass shit and get props from Roseanne Barr. This is all like a reality show to them.
maybe you need to just chill out
I feel obliged to point out that native English speakers account for some pretty awful spelling as well. At least non-natives usually know the difference between there/their/they‘re etc. because we had to study it
Trump embodies unAmericanism. He is a traitor and his followers are unAmerican. None of them understand the Constitution and they should all self deport to Russia.
her father is basically dying, yet she’s spending her time shit-stirring and spreading GOP disinformation on daytime tv.
Methinks they’re confusing being teased with being bullied. Everyone is teased at some point or another.
Please let there be an abortion!
I say it about myself quite often. I think you’re looking deeper into this instagram caption than is necessary.
Yeah, that face just screams of “the superiority of white pepole’s genes”
A broken clock is still right twice a day.