Boring White Female

He lost me at we didnt evolve. Im almost curious to read the batshit extreme love, but I am slacking at work and will not waste that time on such nonsense.

To sum up what this guy said ⬆ “Aliens can’t be real because I love Jesus”.

with a less hard fizz

They did. They’re full of shit and trying to get the most money they can out of the deal but keep saying they changed their mind because Katy is a Whore, basically.

Our Sisters were supposed to live for the rest of our lives at our beloved Convent. But, against our will, the Archdiocese removed us to “monetize” our property. 

I’m generally pretty eyerolly about karma and energy and that kind of shit, but this is absolutely relatable to me. It’s like meeting a friend’s new boyfriend, feeling vaguely disquieted but having absolutely no specific reason to speak ill of him...and then come to find out years later that he was an abusive,

An idea that exists because conservatives wanted that reality so they could then say, “See? Nothing works if the governmetn does it.”

Lawsuits like these need to hit morons who file them harder than any monetary amount they may have hoped to recover. People should NOT be free to sue on a whim. There needs to be a legitimate, identifiable reason to do so. Lawsuits that are CLEARLY not filed in good faith (like this one), should not only be cause for

As George Carlin famously said, you ain’t part of the club. Aren’t now, and never will be. You can suck up to them all you want, but in the end, they don’t consider you part of their group and they will toss you aside like last week’s garbage.

You know this site and writers on it have had no issue bashing the democratic party but let’s be clear, there is a place in it for people of color to promote and talk about the issues that are important to them and other people of color. Can any person of color stop fucking pretending that such a place exists in the

Haha, thanks! I think Ian legit sees a white man in the mirror.

That’s like the NBA All Star game of evil motherfuckers 👀

Thank you! I feel like there’s some missed opportunities there and I’m just sitting here waiting.

Twenty years ago, I drove Gloria Steinem from my small liberal arts college to the airport. It was, like, 5 a.m. She talked about this book she was reading about native Americans. She’s hella smart.

Ok so instead of engage, dismiss? Seems like that’s just running from a different opinion instead of understanding it. Fact is, that protest gave this asshole the oxygen he craves ... it had was the opposite of effective. My son goes to Cal and was a firsthand witness to the shitshow. All it did was make us on the

Wow. Floppy Moppet is really into the suppressing free speech because I agree with your take on the topic.

There was one point in my early thirties in which I really resented attending weddings. Not out of jealousy but because it would entail shower gifts, wedding gifts, travel expenses, bridesmaid dresses etc. And then the couple would divorce a couple of years, later. If that. It began to seem like a way to stock their

Alternately, “You are tearing me apart, Lisa”

The NRAs plan to increase the frequency of mass shootings so that we can never talk about it seems to be working.