Boring White Female

Next Black Mirror episode.

China, on the other hand, allows you to be anonymous and accept your novelty check in costume to protect your identity, one of the best things ever,

I tell myself that I’d be like the other rich people here in Vancouver - anonymous, secluded, and relatively safe due to the high numbers of them. Being in a small town would be brutal.

“Oh god! There’s a cat in that burning building!....... Ah! I know what to do!” *Throws another cat into burning building* “Now they won’t be alone.”

I want her to divorce him while in office; cable news would go insane.

I thought the segment made Schaper, Hvidston and the anti-immigrant hardliners look rigid, thoughtless and cruel. They made no attempt to understand what the family was going through or how hard they have to work to maintain their status. I recognize that immigrant advocates are concerned about giving these extremists

So, what are you saying? Tom Brady is a child molester? Just a guy being affectionate with his kid. Calm the fuck down. Not everything needs to be gross.

The fact that Mueller is making Donald Trump and this collection of scumbags shit in their pants is too good. He has his tax returns and probably has the piss tape in high definition with directors commentary. Trump and his family of grifters made one fatal mistake, they pissed off the intelligence community. These

This is a west coast vs east coast thing. Families from the west coast, like my wife’s, see a peck on the mouth as no big deal. Families from the east coast, like mine, prefer a nod of the head and then not speaking to each other except on major holidays, like Leap Year.

And then my husband saved the day.

God, what could have possibly been the attraction there? He’s an ugly racist asshole.

Right, a perpetrator like CK is just like a person that punished a staffer for being a perpetrator but not to the extent we would want. Why isn’t the story about Strider’s behaviour that continued until he was fired from another position?

Can we please stop talking about Hillary Clinton?

Why would she bend over backwards to retain some worthless “spiritual advisor”? Those pieces of shit grow on trees. She couldn’t find some other fucking hack to email her a bible verse every morning?

I don’t really watch a lot of CNN, but everything you’ve said sounds about right.

Please please please let this mean she is running for office.

I’ve yet to watch anything Schumer has been in other than Trainswreck but I think Mo’Nique is being selective. She picked one of Amy Schumer’s least successful movies. Trainwreck made 140 million worldwide and cost 35 million. She sold out Madison Square Garden. She’s a bigger name outside the US than Mo’Nique is (you

As I understand it, in exchange for having to go through the DACA debate again in 3 weeks time (still well in advance of the program actually expiring) with the possibility of another shutdown on the table, CHIP got funded for the next 6 years. So this headline is really petty and ignorant.

Wow, this is a shit headline. Go fuck yourself Rafi.

Ugh Katie is the wooorst.