Boring White Female

I’m not one to call some lady I’ve never met—or even heard of until now—a liar, but, umm...this:

8 years in the league and he still doesn’t know when games start? If this isn’t the perfect time for the NFL to recognize concussions idk what is.

If my husband was too dumb to find his way out of a locker room, I’d keep it to myself.

I’m getting the sneaking suspicion that Donald Trump lacks the focus, discipline and humility to be president. I don’t know, just a kooky hunch.

“I wish it would all just go away,” said Kathie Lee clueless white people.

Hey, don’t take this the wrong way, but I think your coverage might be a little biased.

“Fuck you Trump” is as worthy a cause as I can imagine.

Ellen sucks.

Well let me see why would Trump want to hire this 28 year old to be the WH Communications DIRECTOR. My mind reels with the reasons for this?!?!

It is really hard for me to believe that this is the face of a 28 year old woman. I’m not saying that in a snarky way either. I don’t know if this is just a bad pic, but... just damn, it isn’t worth it Hope.

Rumor has it her family were all big Trump boosters. It would not be surprising at all if this girl went out there to honeypot Anthony Weiner in an attempt to torpedo Clinton.

I don’t understand how this isn’t getting through to feministasfuck’s head. Sometimes I put on a mother fucking fantastic outfit to go to the grocery store. No, I’m not trying to find a man on the way. I love fashion, sometimes i just love the FEELING of... for example, a flowing oversized cardigan, behind me.

The thing about personal style is: people who have Style totally ignore Fashion. Style comes from within, so you wear what you like & are most comfortable and/or fabulous in, regardless of whether it’s in this year, or nobody’s wearing it anymore, or whatever. Fashion comes and goes, and is diluted by its ubiquity—

Oh shut up

You sound exactly like you just finished Women’s Studies 101.

This fucking guy. I’ve always wondered how Yankee fans can count to 27, since they usually only have 20 fingers and toes.

Yet still so insecure.