Boring White Female

I found that particular paragraph extremely prescient; but expressed with such subtlety that it’s warnings would likely fail to pierce even the membrane beneath Trump’s hair piece.

How great would it be if the first letter of each paragraph spelled out F-U-C-K-Y-O-U?

i had wrongly assumed, upon seeing the headline, that this was going to be an article extolling the mental and physical benefits of masturbation...based purely on jon’s naked posterior in that last, riveting, scene.

That literally makes no sense, whatsoever. You’re bending over so far to arrive at the preconceived conclusion that the police are Always Right. Drug and alcohol levels decay over time, so if, as you say, the officer was trying to protect the victim, he would have either delayed a blood draw to secure a warrant or not

As long as we are deporting American citizens, let’s deport you. To Bauredel.

Upper left is definitely Sandler.

One day I will google and find out who Shawn Mendes is. Not today, but one day.

I’m sorry; I can’t get on board. The original Heathers was perfect. No one asked for this bullshit.

They hate us because they anus.

“I mean, sure, they could have just paid the interior designer for more than satisfying Pitt’s Jean Nouvel kink, but that’s not really in the nature of wealthy and extravagant celebrities.”

I agree about Spitzer, but Weiner was a little different in that it seemed to be something that he couldn’t control even when it was to his severe detriment.

Did it ever occur to you maybe those women just want to warn the world what kind of person Drump is? Kudos to them for being brave enough to ignore the victim blaming and shaming they’re getting from people like you.

Or, you know, a lot of them came out YEARS ago, but got brought up again because it went from “A bankrupt real estate developer/rapist getting a reality TV gig” to “A rapist running for president.”

He probably cheated, but why would they want to have this fight in public? I’m baffled by the youths and their need to post their relationship drama on social media.

Rumour has it, she’s also having an affair with Donald. Many people are saying this. Many very fine people are saying this.

Seriously, what is going on in this article.

How does Brooke Baldwin still have a show. She has no handle on her guests or the conversation. She is painful to watch.  

The same way that so many reasonable, empathetic liberals come from bigoted conservative families, probably. They found an ideological system that resonated with them and rejected their family’s input.

oh thanks for the tip You serious Clark - might give them a try.