Boring White Female


Donald Trump isn’t a billionaire and he doesn’t have a ton of cash. Only Duestche Bank will loan him money because he’s helping them launder it for the Russian mob. His properties are all probably being used as fronts. One in Soho already got busted for that exact reason. If he had a ton of liquidity, American banks

I’ll still argue that a drunk person can give consent. But at any point where a person loses consciousness, consent is instantly revoked. I don’t care if they are sober and fell asleep, Narcoleptic or so drunk they pass out, once unconscious, consent stops.

There’s a big ass gray area between sober and too drunk to

They can try, but the Sessions story is too big. And McCaskill didn’t lie under oath. And the underlying story is even bigger, President Obama preserved all the intelligence that is now leaking out. Fucking beautiful timing on the Sessions story. “Trump’s TONE!!!!!” story is gone.

Throwing up the Bat signal probably couldn’t hurt either.

This administration makes me want to believe in the Bible so that I can have the sweet, sweet relief of the apocalypse to look forward to.

That little racist shit is going down. I love how the intelligence is leaking out at opportune times. Trump has to be PISSED that he finally got some positive press and then the Sessions story dropped.

I think he did fine.

I don’t think it has anything to do with who hosts.

How’s it gonna be spring when it’s still winter? This book is stupid. [Shoots book]

Oh, they’ll try. But here’s the difference between Stalin and Hitler and Trump. Stalin had to deal with Russians. Hitler had to deal with Germans. Trump has to deal with Americans.

Yeah, those guys put out shit and are terrible humans. Voights daughter won’t talk to him, sly did porn, prepon is a Scientology buff, grammar is a philanderer, Eastwood talks to chairs and rights scripts he gets to drop racist epitaphs, so yeah.

Them angels I believe in told me I ain’t poor. I’m a millionaire with a low bank balance.

Lol, fucking Scott Baio is their heavy hitter. GIANT RED FLAG.

This is one of my favorite responses to the whole celebrities-shouldn’t-talk-about-politics thing:

Trump supporters also believe in Santa Claus, pearly white Jesus, and have the amazing ability to directly vote against their own best interest, while simultaneously being giant hypocrites about their own immigration heritage, supporting the same kind of fascism their parents fought against, while sucking each others

My favorite thing about conservatives who get upset about celebrities “getting political” is how they trot their own token conservative celebrities out the first chance they get:

I use it reluctanctly too.  It begins to feel like to be a feminist you must be the perfect feminist, with the “right” opinions. The number of times even Jezebel has built someone up (i.e. Tina Fey, Mindy Kaling) and then tears them down because they don’t do the “feminist thing”. It’s fucking exhausting. Women are

I think it gets you a chance, sometimes more than one, but I don’t think it gets you a career as a film actress. No one is going to give Kelly Osborne, Sofia Coppola or Rumer Willis several chances to fuck up movies. Jaden Smith even seems to have run out of opportunities.