Boring White Female

Trump’s blatant narcissism is so all-consuming that he can’t handle the realities of his new job - all that responsibility, all that criticism - so he’s going to try and relieve his ‘glory days’ on the campaign trail.

To be fair, he’s only getting an early start because his impeachment will inevitably slow things down, re: campaigning.

Exactly what I thought of too. This chick has contributed nothing to no one and has no discernible value or talent and should shut the fuck up.

You should tag her with that photo of Jill in Russia and every time something awful happens. And always write, “At least I did my best and didn’t do some dumb protest vote. I’d be feeling like a massive asshole now.” Every time. See how long before she cracks.

Los Angeles County (at 10+ million, the nation’ s most populous by far) is filled with people between 18 and 60 who left the very rust belt cities and states mentioned and never went back.

If this were Hillary, the impeachment proceedings would have begun three weeks ago.

I would go just so I could pull my hand back and slick back my hair right when Trump went to shake it. I’d be a hero to all the other secret detainees in Guantanamo.

Get your false equivalency bullshit out of here. When an authoritarian figure constantly lies about basic truths to appeal to populist tendencies, it’s the very definition of fascism. Fuck off.

Example no 1,556,234,931 (just in the past three months) of the fact that it’s the right wing idiots talking about the left being “snowflakes” and needing “safe spaces” and yet whenever anyone dares dissent, they lose their fucking shit.

um.....Lock Her Up?

That car is racist, I mean they use them in races.

Man, think how much worse it will be next year if the Pats get to the Superbowl.

Did i say he was? If Drew is going to be a salty asshole and lash out at all pats fans than I have a right to lash back.

By cheating do you mean that time the team recorded video from a perfectly legal location and that time the laws of physics worked as they were supposed to?

Do you know why I remain a Patriots fan Drew? Because of my father. I lived in Maine my entire childhood and teenage years. I remember the shit years, the years where Velcro on the gloves wouldn’t have helped the receivers make catches. For years we were the butts of the NFL. Then suddenly Mo Lewis knocks out Bledsoe

Pats “got caught cheating” the same way Hillary “got caught” murdering diplomats in Benghazi. That’s why we call it Ballghazi.

I don’t like Tom Brady, you don’t like Tom Brady.

you don’t like Tom Brady

London today.