“Trumplogic” : “Please ignore these things that happened ten years ago, that’s not the person I am and I’m sorry. Instead, I implore you to focus on the things this person tangentially related to my opponent did twenty years ago, as it is 100% indicative of the character of an entirely different person.”
“We will discuss this more in the coming days.”
I know. Am I missing something? Am I not smart enough to understand the issue?
You’ve definitely banged your second cousin.
I hope you meet some real people someday.
Yeah but you still have to believe in Xenu in order to buy into all the ‘technology’, so sorry but you’re still a fucking lunatic.
Christ. Even fucking natural disasters are a liberal conspiracy now.
But Ted Cruz is still the Zodiac Killer, right? Don’t destroy all my beliefs today.
She’s a lying, manipulative, unethical person. She’s not your average woman who happens to have fame and money. She and her family are awful. A lot of people on here are yelling ‘victim blaming!’ when actually, most people are just expressing their apathy.
The fact that Mike Pence “won” the debate by lying his ass off about (or just flat out ignoring) all the crazy and deplorable shit Trump has said over the last year and a half, how poor of a businessman he is, and how stupid his proposed policies are, speaks to the sorry state of this presidential race very well.
Now I’m just throwing it out there. Maybe, just maybe, Trump might not be fit to be President.
Nah, but they did rob one of the world’s most useless, over-rewarded people without hurting anyone.
Am I the only one sort of on team robbers?
I am a bit rusty on my International Law 101 from ITT Tech but I am pretty sure that a person just doesn’t get to leave right after being robbed for that much money and in that manner. If they suspect it’s an inside job but let her and her entire entourage get to go back to the states? What?
Please be fake please be fake please be fake
I KNEW THIS WAS MADE UP. These fucking people. It’s always something with them. And now it’s a shady-as-shit lie designed to garner sympathy for some tasteless brat that deserves none. Oh, Kim, you “lost ten million dollars” in tacky jewelry? Cry me a fucking river. And you “thought” you were “gonna be raped”? But…
Yeah don’t give two shits about the kardashians, I mean shes hot and all but rest of the hoopla is bullshit for suckers. I feel bad she was likely very scared...dying was very abstract when I was single and kidless, but once you have people that depend on you it’s much more terrifying to think about.