Come on, the Sox have stopped the Cardinals from having two more WS wins recently! That’s an outcome we can all get behind.
Come on, the Sox have stopped the Cardinals from having two more WS wins recently! That’s an outcome we can all get behind.
The thing is, with the Kardashians, everything will be doubted because their ‘real’ lives are faked for the show and they themselves lie to hawk products for money. I’m not surprised that people doubt the news story.
Honestly, I’ve yet to encounter a Trump supporter which can put forth a solid reason for their support other than, “Derp not Crooked Hillary.” It’s safe to say they’re the most uninformed voting block of the last couple decades. I was actually blocked on Twitter by a woman who had been on the ground for things like…
I honestly assumed it might not be real, too. Think of the many episodes of KUWTK they’ll get out of it — it just seems like it’s almost too interesting to be true.
He’s not smart, you can’t believe a word out of his mouth, and he’s a self-obsessed, greedy, shitty person who doesn’t care about the American people. That you could theoretically find someone worse or stupider doesn’t change any of that, and I don’t know when this idiot thinks not being the literal worst person ever…
Given the smoke and mirrors involved in the making of the Kardashian brand, or any reality show, it’s not really an asshole comment.
Meteor 2016.
Well, let’s hope the children are OK and everyone else is dead.
I won the debate if you decide without watching the totally one-sided “spin” that followed. This despite the really bad microphone.
We all know nothing he does will ever shake his core supporters. Who gets shaken are the morons who flipped from him to Hillary after the DNC, then back to him when they thought Hillary was dying, then back to Hillary after the debate. This helps keep those paragons of intellect in Hillary’s corner.
Can we talk about that picture of Don Jr... just as soon as I stop vomiting?
That Jahvid Best replay is incredibly hard to watch. :shudder:
Rex Ryan Posed As A Reporter Tries To Pad His Resume For Once The Bills Fire His Ass After Losing To Edelman At QB
It’s really a betrayal to vote for him. I understand that as women, we’re not a hive-mind, but this man has said nothing but hateful, awful, sexist, misogynistic, abusive things for years and years. A woman’s value to him is her fuckability. That’s it. How any woman could think that he has their best interests at…
I don’t understand how any woman can vote for him.
i cant believe fallon still hasnt gone to rehab
I’d rather hear Tubthumping twice than Famous three times.
Yeah, if we want to be shallow (and why the hell not, this is a Dirt Bag post), we can point out that Jen has since moved on to a younger and very handsome man who appears to bathe far more often than her ex. Why would anyone think that she’s still secretly pining for Pitt?