Boring White Female

At least Hillary Clinton wasn’t stupid enough to put the New York City Office of Emergency Management into the World Trade Center against the recommendation of the FBI.

The equivalence assholes are worse than the actual Trump supporters in my opinion. Well, not worse in the kind of people they are, but worse in their disingenuous bullshit. At least Trump supporters are upfront about their idiocy, thode who are equating them are just dishonest jackholes.

Hillary brain ninja’d the FUCK out of that diseased orange with that comment about his dad giving him money. He was in control up until that point, subdued and a little boring, and then he immediately began to unravel. It was beautiful.

Cotton mouth + pursed lips did it for me (my other theory: like 500 mg of adderall? Technically legal but basically the same)

Finding ways to get out of paying your taxes is more unpatriotic than taking a knee during the national anthem. At least Colin Kaepernick pays his fair share of the taxes that go to actually paying the troops and supplying them with the supplies they need.

They enjoy being assholes. It’s that simple. There is no other explanation for this non-story.

But it literally happened. She could have shaken his hand, she could have just touched a shoulder, but she embraced him. Trying to read into the quality of the embrace or what expressions on her face indicate whatever feelings she had is, to me, pointless.

GW Bush did do some commendable things as President, including, for example, pressing to funds to help fight AIDS in Africa. And one of those commendable things he did was to sign legislation instructing the Smithsonian to start planning for this museum, and saying he believed it should be built on the national Mall.

I think Nate’s raging against other stats-based pundits who keep twisting themselves (and the data) in knots to say Hillary is far ahead. For example, the Princeton Election Consortium has Clinton’s win probability between 79%-87% (, while 270towin has Clinton’s win probability as high

It’s amazing how the media has whipped up a horse race JUST IN TIME for the debates, this has to be perhaps the most coincidental set of circumstances of all time! 

I’d have a hard time taking my kids to an actively war ravaged place like Syria. I see his point. As an adult she can go where she wants - her person, her decision, but he does have equal say in where the kids go, no?


Isn’t the Jets being shit what a national TV audience expects?

You don’t go to a Vegas show and want to hear Britney or Lionel Ritchie say “Tonight I’m just gonna play new stuff”

Give us your old act, the classics.
Keep being shit, that’s the J-E-T-S we know and love.

Saw this gem on Facebook today.

Just waiting for all the sore losers to start with the cheating comments.

Caitlyn Jenner can go fuck herself.

I sort of assumed Edelman would know better than to hook up with a relative.

The Texans also had horrible starting field position all game. Allen did a great job pinning them deep and they also exploited the new kickoff rule again with high kicks which resulted in those two fumbles. Last year the kicker would have just booted them past the endzone as he usually did, this year they get two big

I like to imagine that Roger Goodell is flipping tables at the NFL HQ in New York right about now.

Caution: long post upcoming. A lot of this is from a good summary at Reddit.