Boring White Female

Um, all of them? I think that might kinda hurt after awhile but ill give it a shot if you want me to

Brady's got 4 games to sit and figure something out! ;)

Ahem, I’m a lady thankyouverymuch. ;)

Oooo sick buuuuuuuuuurn

Haha guilty as charged! :p

*eyeroll* when they win next year too no one will give a shit about your little asterisk


Not all Bostonians are complaining

Crack lines matter

Everyone knows he played in the west bowl

or a straightjacket

is fireball a juice?

tell that to my football loving ovaries

And best profile pic. Der

That's a whole lotta skittles

Brian Williams?! Is that you?!

maybe not but 4 rings do. Suck it

you might be giving them a little too much credit

and the plot thins...