Borg Queen

Ha! Like he cares about a black democrat.

These are crimes against humanity and the republican death cult needs to be held responsible.

That was a legitimate burn. 

If the actual Red Tails and their descendants got a substantial portion of the lucrative merchandise sales I might be cool with this....

I have no skin in this game, but I would think if you’re going to name a team after actual people that are still living, you need to respect the shit out of their position on the matter.  Otherwise it’s an empty gesture, and likely exploitative.

I think back to the quaint days when my parents would tsk tsk and call Roger Clinton the greatest embarrassment of a presidential relative ever.

“Somehow sitting in the Oval Office, behind that beautiful Resolute Desk...the great Resolute desk...I think wearing a face mask as I greet presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings, queens – I don’t know, somehow I don’t see it for myself.” (April 2020)

Another problem with this is, by pulling these movies and shows, it allows white people to avoid the conversation.”

OH MY FUCKING GOD, WHAT THE FUCK IS IT WITH WYPIPO AND FACE MASKS? And why are the ones who shop at Florida Walmarts so damn aggressive about it?”

I agree. This is another way to whitewash history and to cover for past acceptance of these problematic episodes. Pulling these episodes is an attempt to prevent future backlash when these episodes come to light. Use the disclaimers...and quit being racist!

And his hardcore base won’t care, evangelicals will say they still support him because God tells them to and Fox News will start doing stories on deep fake video with the tag line “Deep State Fakes?

God willing there is a lame-duck period.

Why not both? Other ethnic groups have been paid directly and indirectly for atrocities committed against them. We matter too. Our blood matters. I say both and nothing less. Period. They give money to billionaires, folks with money. The country can pay what it owes to black people. Also, excuses to not do it is like

I agree. I like the idea of reparations through wealth building programs as opposed to just cutting us a check.

But even with the understanding of the false equivalence, it’s still a shitty answer. White people shouldn’t be getting unnecessarily killed by police either.

You know, they could just brush a cat, slap the fur on a set of trucknutz and hang them over a baggy suit and red necktie on Fox and the MAGAtards wouldn’t even know the difference.

Even if that were true, which it really fucking isn’t, would it not make sense to you know, ADDRESS THE ISSUE?! 

Holy shit, people, some good news!

Or all the people feeling trapped and desperate should rise up and kill all the shitty rich people in power. The Trump Family seems like a pretty good start since they only exist to take up space.

Happy Bastille Day, everyone!