Oh my
Oh my
I am sorry you had to go and are still going through that. Hope from an internet stranger that you can find support and comfort with people who love for who you are!
What a beautiful man, father and human being. His child is a child that will grow up knowing they are loved and safe, and will be less likely to become a statistic.
I make some badass guac and I always have a bottle of tequila around...
Since tone is often lost on the Internet I can’t tell if you are making fun or not but truly, Rick Steves knows what the fuck he’s talking about! 😊
So down-cycled Ted Nugent up there claims other people don’t know their history when his dumbass is displaying the US flag alongside flags of our enemies.
As the kids say, this is some good Kinja
He should team up with the dude that cold cocked Richard Spencer. They would make a fantastic racist-fighting duo
Lol, the party of “personal responsibility (unless you’re a white man)”
I was gonna say he looked like a “Florida Man” costume you’d get in a bag at Party City but I like yours better
Ugh, this bitch again
Hey we have no idea how Kumail tastes! I’m not suggesting cannibalism... just maybe a few licks to get an idea...
3? You give her too much credit
Yeah lol the contrast in Snow White between her... “acting” and Charlize Theron absolutely chewing the hell out of all her scenes was striking.
I read that one like 4 times trying to decide if she was being funny or just an idiot and I’m still not sure, although leaning towards “idiot.”
As usual, Mrs. Obama displays levels of class many many measures above what the current occupants of the White House could ever hope to achieve.
He heard someone say “pick on someone your own size,” looked at his hands and went after a teen girl
Full disclosure I didn’t read all of that last...letter (?), but I feel very confident that the tl;dr here is “I’m a racist”