
Streets of Rogue, procedurally generated action-RPG, due “later this year”

You’ve misunderstood me or perhaps I didn’t write clearly enough. I don’t support this action against this teacher and am not supporting 21st discrimination. I’m just explaining how the Archdiocese of Miami will get away with firing her.

In all likelihood she never got anything but support from the school. Maybe a suggestion she keep her orientation on the DL in front of the kids, but even that would be unlikely.

Uh, I don’t know what you’re smoking, but Streets of Rogue is awesome.

 What the fuck? So he can’t judge superhero movies because a black one is coming out? That’s the dumbest shit I’ve read or heard all month. And I watched the State of the Union.

I agree with you that a lot of people seem to dislike the movie for the wrong reason. If it’s that characters you wouldn’t ordinarily relate to are revealed to have some level of nuance to them, maybe the arts aren’t your thing. On the other hand, the film is very selective about which of its characters get this

Everyone is talking about this, so we should talk about it. Wow, look how everyone is talking about this!

I don’t like the idea that a person automatically should be treated as an ambassador of their employer because they expressed themselves under their real name online. In fact, I kind of think that people should enjoy legal protections against that, unless they specifically have a clause covering it in their work

The dictionary should be the only one who defines rape.

Some people only see the “forcing part” of rape. I think it’s the “primary” vision in people’s mind.

I don’t think those comments are “hateful” but they’re certainly not PC.

Remember - on the Internet you can have any opinion you like! As long as it aligns with the publicly accepted one, otherwise you’re a misogynistic racist transphobic homophobic white supremacist Nazi. Honestly, from what was listed in this article, dude seems to be a bit of an asshole, but if that was reason enough to

I appreciate any game that lets me create a hideous monster of a character and laugh my ass off the entire time I play.

Accents aren’t racist, people make fun of accents all the time, doesn’t mean half the world is racist against Boston.

Have a Cigar.

Worst Gilmore caused break up since Pink Floyd.

This shit again? Don’t you people have anything else to write about?

I remember distinctly reading The Little Engine That Could to my eldest daughter when she was four, and right when the train crested the mountain she started crying. I asked, “What’s wrong, sweetie?”

I don’t know, Jay Leno set the bar pretty high with If Roast Beef Could Fly.

Randall, must you virtue signal every day? And this is like a month late, everybody has already covered this episode’s “take on misogynist fanboys”. This episode goes to great lengths to see him treated like shit and he makes a fucking video game for revenge. What a monster.