
Is it a brand new, carrier locked iPhone? I would suggest getting one of those pocket wi-fis, you can rent them in Japan, that way you have access.

Those would be pretty interesting games!

The philosophy of the artwork relates to the idea of the sacred feminine.


Of course, this movie has to show the meet cute between Han Solo and Chewbacca. Does anyone really want to see this? After “Anakin Obi-Wan Kenobi”?! After friggin’ Jimmy friggin’ Smits as Bail Antilles? After, “I’m Owen Lars and this is my girlfriend Beru”?!

How does one begin to do that? That works regularly in scripted tv shows/movies, but whenever I see a beautiful woman and contemplate that wonderfully stupid scenario where she is totally accepting and open to a complete stranger hitting on her in the produce section, it goes like this in my head:

It’s actually a very well-documented phenomenon in behavioral economics. We (people in general) don’t care how we’re treated, so much as we care about whether we are treated differently. It’s true in just about everything - it speaks to our collective sense of justice and fairness, which is what effectively allows us

Bring back free checked bags and people will use it.

As I was reading this I kept remembering a professors who told me “no one cares what you think, what does the primary source tell you?” when I was an undergrad.

Then I guess I’ll just have to keep looking until it shows. : )

PRIME user here. Before I buy anything online I first check the Amazon price (plus any taxes, damn it) against the many other online sites. Amazon is usually is cheaper due to my free 2-day shipping. If not, I buy elsewhere. Problem solved.


“Robert E. Lee” came in second.

The most fun i ever had with The Division was watching this video

Can someone please cite how the HTC 10 is Android at its purest I was under the impression that honor belonged to the Nexus I most likely wrong but I just asking

Just buy a fucking PC already.

Threesomes are just a band-aid, Pope Francis

It's like a menu.