witch hunt is a term for false accusations against the vulnerable by the powerful
witch hunt is a term for false accusations against the vulnerable by the powerful
Yeah - I recommend this as well. I walked my son through this process last year when he was 12. Thanks to youtube and things like pcpartspicker, it’s surely way easier than I was building systems 15 years ago (every year introduced new ram/cpu sockets - truly maddening).
It’s a solid post, outside of the truly baffling (in context) first sentence. Was that an accident?
Love how you put it: work.
Don’t know if it’s still available, but Grim Dawn was $7.50 (US) yesterday as part of same sale.
Plus in these current times, with some people, a white person mentioning of anything race related is labeled “racist”. I made the mistake of noting how the new spiderman Peter Parker has not one but two bi-racial love interests. I thought it was pretty cool, you know, progressive? Had to spend like 10 minutes…
There are two problems with using “ironic” racism to derive humor.
I don’t know what exactly she’s referring to with the Damon post, but I’m sure his de-motivation for speaking up were similar to hers - bad career move to go besmirch a major player like that.
southern drawl
I’m a bit more forgiving of that show than you - I’m far too easy on scifi. But that song was of a piece with all the crap that didn’t work on that show. The aw shucks folksiness of it all was the least appealing bit. The beagle, the cornpone second officer, the water polo, the regular guy captain.
You thought Mr Drummond only adopted them to farm them out to Biopharm for gene therapy testing?
Listen. No, no, listen. You take the good, right? Then you take the bad; you with me? Take ‘em both, right? You still with me? You got both the good and the bad. ok? Well there you have it. Facts of life, my friend.
I recommend an XBOX 360 wireless controller adapter (chinese knockoffs work well) for $12, and a couple of wireless 360 controllers (I got them on groupon for $20 each recently - but generally about $30).
I recommend an XBOX 360 wireless controller adapter (chinese knockoffs work well) for $12, and a couple of wireless…
He looks like a character creation screen, when you move the eye distance slider all the way to the left.
Exactly - in fact I kind of expect these folks to act like entitled asses most of the time. When you combine the type of person who is able to achieve wealth/fame/success with the annoyances of being wealthy/famous/successful, I fully expect them to be entitled jerks, at least toward most people.
Ugh - enough with the bad definition of “cultural appropriation”.
I watched this show with my then-fiance (future wife and ex-wife), back in the day. It was fun for a while, then it became exhausting, like listening to dubstep for 60 minutes.
Aren’t we now witnessing “the radicalization of everyone”? ISIS is exhibit A - spend enough time in a certain corner of the Internet, and soon enough you’re radicalized enough to be killed or spend the rest of your life in prison for the opportunity to kill unarmed strangers.
Yeah - the far left is missing the forest for some very specific trees. They seem to think the problem is how “problematic” the less-far left is.
Generally the people defending the Nazi’s and KKK’s right to free speech were the very same people who condemned BLM and those activists as thugs, to be imprisoned, or better, murdered.