
I think you’re underselling what it would take to make this a proper VR title. It would have been straightforward and quick to just add the appropriate renders/filters, keep the control scheme the same, and add in the tracking. In fact, 3rd party injection drivers already do this decently (but require a killer system

I liked these kinds of players, because I’d load up on putbacks. Those long carems lead to loads of o-rebs. If counted as assists, these guys would average like 13 a game.

you’re right - it’s totes a racism thing.

I liked Skyrim a thousand times more, but I’m an impatient git. Morrowind had depth up the yingyang. (Although I genuinely hated the idea of “missing” in combat - I modded that right out).

I’ll do VO work - I’ll my minnie mouse voice for all the women - and my growly voice for all the non-humans

People tend to forget that the first 1/4 of an given AI season is dedicated to poking fun at those with mental and emotional disorders.

I don’t know nothin from nothin, but even as an aging, cynical punk rocker I can see that KC is a sublime performer. CU has great pipes, but she’s a bit of a cylon.

I can see what you’re saying, from a precision standpoint. Still, the twin-stick-trigger-aim-assist layout, which I think was originated by Halo, is incredibly playable. I’ve grown to prefer it over time. I just find it more relaxing and fun.

hmmm. But isn’t this more or less the case today. Outside of Nintendo, there are a scant handful of AAA exclusives.

The new ones are great, but I do find myself a bit overwhelmed by the feature set - I kind of liked the simplified controls / options of the early NBA2K games. I could quickly make a player based on my approximate appearance and size, max out all his sliders and add him to the Celtics. I could live out the driveway

To each his/her own, to be sure. I will always defend these games as great action/adventure/rpg-type games in the Zelda mold. The marketing and press coverage prevented them from gaining the audience they deserved, for their genuinely fun, engrossing gameplay.

Yup - freeze a few batches (just in case) than snip-snip. Wish someone had told me this when I was younger. Love m’kids just fine; could do without multiple babymamas tho.

I feel like I did this 2.5 years ago. Had an OKCupid profile that was very explicit about my shortcomings. Still wound up in a disastrous relationship with a narcissist. She’d constantly berate for the innate characteristics I declared to her before we even met.

disappointed expectations (society no longer gleefully handing them the world on a plate)

you’re stretching reality quite a bit here. Men aren’t just a bit more successful, they’re 4x as successful in 1/3 the attempts.

I have to agree - my console has been spotty as hell. Lots of spontaneous reboots - a couple of times I wondered whether it was dead. So far it appears to have all been software issues, which is pretty gross. Also PSN is a shabby platform for management of content (I don’t do MP so I can’t say whether it’s ok in that

The trick is, people with big bucks are trying to find the ghoulish gene(s) that tell the body to “get busy dyin” shortly after puberty. They will find them - it’s not like finding the god particle, or wormholes. That shit is right there, and we have the tools and the talent. etc.

I favor this method - put these up every few feet

Start with a Raspberry Pi 2/3, add Openelec. Then, you’ll be ready for an Exodus from cable.

Magic leap’s mother is vaporware.