
Better graphics (ie. capability) means 3P devs will be able to port more games to it without compromise.

I personally wish my GF would use “I feel like” more often. She’s a self-proclaimed Strong Woman. Every opinion is worded as an undeniable fact. I’ve given up on disagreeing with her - not worth the effort. My go-to comeback to her bold assertions of truth are, “Well, there you go.”

I’ve had better luck on ebay than a lot of name-brand online dealers.

It is a cute movie, but his Opus sucked balls.

I’m sure there are more, but my Note 5 (best phone evarrr) has 64GB.

That’s when Steve Jobs returned to Apple and created the original iMac...

How’s those PC exclusives treating you on PS4? And the backward compatibility? And the unlimited media capabilities? Universal compatility with every music/movie/tv streaming service? And the emulation of nearly every single piece of gaming hardware in history? And the ability actually make your own

I recently priced out a sweet VR-ready rig for $800.

I’m 47 and I don’t like being a year older than an adult’s dad.

You gotta salt the crap out of avocado, make it look like a very isolated nor’easter hovered over it for 2 days. That’s the only way to make avocado not taste like baby puke.

Almost nobody cares about the Supreme Court.

(undated photo of Manny Bothan)

To be fair, the one-screen resolution of my phone (Note 5) in the GVR is more than the combined screens of the Oculus.

That is certainly true for Catalog films like SW, LOTR, Godfather, Dark Knight or whatever. But most films don’t fall into that category. For example: Jupiter Ascending - I’m sure lots of people downloaded it just to have something to watch on a Wednesday night, knowing full well it would probably not be great. How

I miswrote - “variety pack” is closer to what I intended: a curious mix of young and old, business attire, and crazy fashion, neat hair and spiky bleached craziness.

Ive got a scoop - most of teh isis is in teh syria and iraq. their they’re. go getem. wit teh smartbomz.

Is there a wikipedia article that explains Japanese tv? I’ve been there 7 or 8 times, and every time I turn it on, it’s a panel of randos gabbing about something, with tons of graphics and text superimposed. Often they eat noodles.

I know’s he old hat, but can we like Eminem? or he is bad now too, retroactively? being mostly serious here.

There’s absolutely no value judgement attached to the word. I meant it in the literal sense: as “made less sensitive”, not the hyperbolic media usage. My ex was overprotective about media/screens when my kids were under-5, so they were hypersensitive once introduced to media, and it took a while to get them out of

It’s a tough sell for kids raised on hyperactive CGI films. Heck - my kids were initially bored stiff by Star Wars. When they got a little older, like 8-10 or so, then they settled down in a way to appreciate slower films.