
That’s what scratch cards are for.

(A) Asks for a little (not much more money, lightweight specs)
(B) Doesn’t deliver that much either (a stereoscopic effect which generally isn’t impressive after 30 minutes or so, especially on a less-than-60”screen).

My current partner and I actually enjoy sharing war stories. Makes us feel like “friends”., and it’s part of a greater conversation about what works for us in the BR.

I think some information is pretty key to know when you’re dating, but thinking “this could totally turn into a thing”.

“Hello, Star Fox Zero? I’ve got 2003 on the line. Apparently they want they graphics back. Should I tell them you’re in a meeting?”

Also - whay do all the bad guys seem to the be the same color as the level. Holy Beige!

Looks like Serious Sam and Painkiller are still better Doom games.

All I can picture is a a local meathead with RedSox/Pats gear, saying “Hey Sully, let’s you and me go up ta quincy mahket and go minin’ for some fuckin pussy!”

If we’re being accurate, you could assemble a $600 PC that utterly dwarfs a PS4/XB1

All emulators are like hypervisors, at least in the sense that they allow to create and manage a virtual machine capable of running software designed for a specific piece of hardware (be it an Amiga workstation, or a game boy).

Exactly - if you thought Fallout 3 / New Vegas were deeply flawed games desperately in need of a completely retooling, you’re clearly not the target demo.

You mean the engine that ran at a steady 30fps on the old consoles, and an easy 1080p/60fps on a decent PC?

Thing is, most of us who love Bethesda’s worlds are thrilled just get another world to play around in. All that other stuff is just more yummy icing. Few of us were saying, “this better be a way better than that POS Fallout 3”

I’m still playing the heck out of Skyrim, some 4-ass years later. Whatever their shortcomings in story/depth/graphics, the games offer up an endless buffet that is immensely and endlessly satisfying to certain palates.

Right - now would be a perfect time to test the hypothesis that porn leads to assault, because porn consumption by men has been spiking over the last 10 years. If there were even a minor uptick in the incidence of assault, it would be worth further study. But there has been no uptick, in fact, more of a minor decline,

exactly. Though I equate it more to musical tastes. You know what you like, and don’t, when you hear it, but outside influences and exposures help you define it.

I’m not generally attracted to fair-skinned blondes, or east asians (I’m a dark-haired, fair-skinned white guy). It’s just whatever, what I’ve landed on. I don’t read much into it beyond personal preference, kind of like music. Nothing racist about it.

Yes, she also helped orchestrate the robbery, and the perjury was part of it. Pretty serious. She’ll do time.

Perhaps you should as Mr White Folks what he thinks

Yeah, but maybe it was less your uncanny sixth sense, and more the orange fake tan.