
If you left, you would have missed a thrilling 20 minute segment where they discussed politics, and the heart-wrenching speech where princess armadillo says “my peepul suffa and die why you discuss this matta in a comb-itteee”

Books 1-3 are great. 4-5 are shit. The show has been “TV Great” throughout, but only genuinely, unequivocally better than the books this season.

If that’s the case. Dig a big old moat across the continent. End of story <hand wiping gesture>.

I’ve seen the thread that shows tons of miniatures and bits of sets. But if all that ends up looking like CG, then you’re doing it wrong. For example, the final sabre battle on volano planet was mostly practical, but the impossible stunts, weird fluidity ,and hopping around sucked all the life, and stakes, right out

I feel the “bugginesss”is overstated. Outside of PS4 - which I can imagine was a huge PITA for them to get working properly. I have played the heck out of every Bethesda game since Dagger and includiing Daggerfall and have experienced no crazy bugs (some bugs /glitches, but nothing getting remotely in the way of my

I might not use quite as strong wording, but I agree. I can fully confirm that a PS4 can be easily matched-if-not-bested by a mid-range sub-$600 PC from 2013 (And $200 of that went to 5TB of storage). Of course my old boat anchor has 100% backwards compatibility with, erm, pretty much every PC game ever, and nearly

I have some advice for these activists - pick up some cheap twin air mattresses, don’t inflate them, and carry them around in a pouch. Far more practical.

Several years ago, I stayed in the Fudan area of Shanghai. The main thing I remember is the stalls with books with the answers to the LSATs, GMATs, GREs, openly plying their wares on one of the main streets.

A Pac Man RPG where you role-play as one of the dots.

I’m assuming LunSei meant spacey / lasery / aliens scifi (Mass effect / Halo) versus gritty low-tech scifi.

Nah - sales of Skyrim and F/O were off the charts - no need to gauge anything. They know they’ll do well, unless they really botch it.

Sorry - Forgot the opener where I complete agree with what you’re saying.

That seems to fit “attempted sexual assault” - which is totally a crime. Man, I hate hearing stuff like that. People are so crappy.

The fact that it made her fearful and uncomfortable means it’s serious to her. I can think of several incidents growing up in a rough neighborhood where I faced intimidation from local punks, but only one time where I was actually assaulted: sucker punched in the head for no reason. Those incidents sucked, and I still

Masks have been a cultural thing in Japan for ages (if you have a cold, wear a mask). But now (at least according an article I read), a lot of young women wear them to hide their face, and avoid being all gawked at.

They’ve mentioned Korea as a special region in their interviews and omit it on the release lol.

Granted, Bethesda’s just publishing id games, not developing them, but still - I hear you - they should be doing nothing but prepping TES6 - and all their marketing and publishing employees should stop what they’re doing and do QA for TES6. And hell, get id to help with the engine. All hands on deck and all that.

Plus, the reason Bethesda’s games ship with bugs is the complexity of the interconnected systems in play. It would be nearly impossible to play-test ever possible player scenario. Doom and other FPSs are relatively simple.

Carmack was never a gameplay guy though. He was all about the rendering - making the most realistic 3d worlds, running smoothly, on average hardware.

I remember being taken to DC as a 10 year old, a year or two after the metro opened. I felt like I was living in Logan’s Run times. So cool. More recently, I revisited the metro, and felt like I was in Fallout Times. Also cool.