Don't boycott the NFL, boycott their sponsors. I am not drinking any Budweiser products because they sponsor enablers of domestic violence. Up until yesterday I was not drinking any Budweiser products because they taste worse than Clydesdale piss.
Don't boycott the NFL, boycott their sponsors. I am not drinking any Budweiser products because they sponsor enablers of domestic violence. Up until yesterday I was not drinking any Budweiser products because they taste worse than Clydesdale piss.
I particularly like how they want a long, thorough investigation to the handling of the Rice incident... but didn't think to have any form of investigation into the ACTUAL Rice incident.
Wow, no republicans signed something against the old rich white guy?
I just interpreted it to mean Goodell faces punishment instead of doling it out. The hunter is now the hunted...
Roger has handled this situation with all the grace and honesty of a teenager whose parents just found weed in his sock drawer.
You do realize I am sitting at my desk at work literally laughing out loud hysterically at that, which is what my post is referencing here?
And I can already smell the barrage of think pieces from pop culture critics trying to dissect a marriage they were never a part of.
I think you have to hold a balance between not forcing something you don't want to do on yourself and respecting the other person's needs. I used to be in a mostly sexless relationship that was horrible, and it did make me feel less sexy and desired. But I'm also in a really healthy relationship now and both our sex…
It is not part of the marital duties. You should be having sex because you want it, and not out of some "duty". I've found often when I force myself to have sex when I don't want it it makes me find the person less sexually attractive in the future. When you are not into having actual sex there are other sexual things…
"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."
On the bright side, no sodomy.
Totally. Players need to feel comfortable hurling racial slurs at other players and telling them they are going to cum in their family member's cunts.