
Hard to say. My best guess is they’re giving that information to avoid people shorter than they are, but it’s not unreasonable to assume they’re looking for at least one inch clearance. I don’t think it’s purely informational since girl height tends not to be a priority for guys, but what do I know.

Totally agree on #1. They usually end up just looking confused in those pictures. A main picture should feature a genuine smile. That's way more welcoming.

I’m a 5’8 female and I find I’m most attracted to guys around 5’10. We exist!

Interesting. To each his or her own. I find professional photos a turnoff. Combo of trying too hard and why don't you have any pictures from living life? I also want to see pictures with friends to confirmation that a person has friends and a social life already.

You rang?

Congress has greater jurisdiction over the affairs of the NFL, a huge interstate commercial enterprise, than over the way a state prosecutor carries out his duties. So... that's probably why they're not bothering to send a letter to the state prosecutor.

The problem isn't that Deadspin or Keith Olbermann wouldn't pay for an investigation; the problem is that the NFL wouldn't give Deadspin or Keith Olbermann the type of access needed to conduct the investigation.

Of course, this is easily explained by the fact that the sole purpose of the called-for investigation will be to absolve Goodell of any wrongdoing. Not to figure out what actually happened, which is to be addressed only incidentally in service of preserving Goodell's reputation.

You mean... when Ebert just wanted to snuggle?

Nah. She's just bored with it.

Agree that forcing yourself to do it with someone when you don't want to makes that person less appealing going forward. Maybe that's just marriage?

Yes, I read the captions.

Oh, come on, thought police. This is, after all, a Good/Bad/Ugly post. Methinks you need to take the Jezebel commenting engine — and perhaps yourself — much less seriously.