
So there is an unspoken epidemic of female sports writers being raped by their colleagues? Seems like something that should investigated.

Miami Gardens Dolphins

I vote for shut up.

Conversations happen, but your ideal situation in “showing a Bernie Bro the light about Hilldog” is so perfectly concocted it strains credulity and sounds like the fever dream of someone on pod save america.

I was referring to your made up story about the Bernie voter that only exists in fictional tales like yours.

That really happened.

There’s nothing delightful about nepotism.

The only way that drawing could be better is if somehow some of Drew’s striped polo shirt was peaking out of the Santa costume.

This just proves how indecipherable the NFL catch rule is. Davis doesn’t understand the illegal touching rule, either.

Considering how successful Planned Parenthood has been in my lifetime, Richards deserves nothing but scorn.


Yes. Him saying that reminds me of the reasons I love football.

I’m not sure your math on the embarrassment here is correct. You have Damien Lillard getting into it with a couple of jagoffs looking for autographs after a game.

Criminally under-starred.

He’ll always be Teddy Throwsavelt to me!

The league continues to do nothing about head injuries...

YAIS. Let’s do this.

That’s trippy, man.