
Why do you hate democracy?

What happened to the TARFU Report??? I loved you and Matt Taibbi together!

Very few things make me so mad as when I’m reminded of Michelle Obama’s completely self defeating words.

Spot on in ALL your statements here.

This, a million times. They’re awful and need to be called out on it. People just want to redo 2016 in 2020 all over again, huh?

That’s because they’re fucking terrible, politically, and have the same weaknesses, ideologically, as Hillary.
People are tired of right wing Democrats, and it doesn’t matter if they’re women, or POC, or WOC.

She’s hardly half his age. She’s not much younger than him. Do you think Bill is 85 years old?

Schadenfreude is a dish best served at whatever temperature it takes to get shitty people off TV.

Did you say bizarro?

He hasn’t tweeted from “Modern Seinfeld” in over two years. Glad to see you’re using current and pertinent information about whomever this is.

Perhaps to you.

That article you read is laughably wrong, and so are you. Not everything you read is true. Except for what I write, then it is true.

I think Hillary is less delusional and more of a liar.

You joke, but technically being intoxicated in public in Florida is a crime.

It should be set up so that the whole crowd for events like this is somehow instantly sterilized so they can’t further contaminate the gene pool.

An independent doctor IS the current system! So, you’re proposing the status quo?

Good to see other organizations following the Democratic Party model, voluntarily excise your best and most productive members

It’s not supposed to do that, right? That’s bad, correct?

Anyone that forced Ed Sheeran to delete his account is a modern hero.