You’re legitimately deranged if you think Franken and Moore belong in the same sentence.
You’re legitimately deranged if you think Franken and Moore belong in the same sentence.
Thank you.
That’s a shitty deal
Victim impact statements and victims addressing the court have no place in a fair justice system.
They’re both so overrated as politicians by those on the “left” I wonder if they’re secretly related to Obama.
It’s an issue, so let’s unilaterally disarm!
I’ve been told to use “those people.”
The only victories the party is capable or willing to make at this point.
The circular firing squad on the left is never ending and the ultimate gift to the right.
Alternatively, if states like Tennessee or Alabama had anything for progressive people, they might be more inclined to stick around.
Roger Goodell has carefully mulled this over, because he wants to make it right.
Adam Scott is fucking terrible. I wonder if that translates to other parts of his life, like he can’t get his mail properly, or he gets into a bunch of car accidents because he’s a terrible driver.
Wrong again. That seems to be a recurring theme here, you being wrong about everything. No one is entitled to any vote, certainly not the mediocrity known as Hillary Clinton.
You’re an uhninged idiot. And hilarious. You’re like MSNBC come to life.
LOL @ both, first election and DESERVE Hillary.
Go Gators!
Who woulda thought Pam Anderson would be the voice of reason in all this?
Don’t rig primaries next time then. Give people an actual choice and they may not revolt against the revolting, hand picked candidate.
Coming from the mind of a pretty extreme leftist, Hillary was and continues to be COMPLETELY unacceptable for a host of reasons, independent of Trump.
Poor guy, I hope he’s OK.