Lighten up, Frances.
Funny, I know exactly what he’s talking about.
Dana Loesch is exactly why phrase “hate fuck” exists.
If one more “liberal” tells me to listen to Pod Save America because “I’d like it,” I’m going to strangle them with my Chapo Trap House lanyard.
She talks way too much over a broadcast and has a terrible voice. Disagree. However, as someone else pointed out below, NBA game analysts are mostly garbage so, good for her.
I’ll give the nazis the same kind of regard they gave us at Treblinka, Sobibor, Majdanek, Bergen-Belsen, Belzec, and Birkenau; not to mention the hundreds or even thousands of more locations where nazis murdered Jews and others.
That ratio!
I listen to the shutdown fullcast religiously and have been a commenter on EDSBS since it was written by “Orson Swindle.” Nanni is hot garbage.
The nickname Chairman Yi is Bill Simmons’s only valuable contribution to society.
No, south Florida.
Did we go to the same high school?
Performers make way too much. It’s past time to get the pitchforks and torches out for teachers and office drones and bus drivers and the like.
That guy looks like he is a big fan of Barstool.
And making six figures doing so, to provide a good life for my family; sign me up.
There’s nothing admirable about not having a formal education.
Can’t we just send him back?
Kumail Nanjiani is not funny, at all.
Yeah, and I find ever more often it’s bad policy to assume people are educated on a subject, especially when they disclaim knowledge on said subject.
Perhaps it was the part where he said: