
SW flies into Fort Lauderdale, though, which is where most cruises actually originate. Also, FTL is a much easier airport to navigate, and it’s about 20 minutes away from Miami.

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So you’re saying there is much defecation?

I just chundered.

Joy is a disingenuous Hillary dead-ender. She deserves nothing but contempt.

The idea that because England had a precedent of the USA rebelling for independence, so that they allowed some of their colonies to become independent after American independence, therefore the USA shouldn’t have rebelled is so ridiculous it’s mind-bottling.

What’s brainy about taking away the most productive economy in this country?

Basically nothing you said here is true.

What right do states have to secede? We fought a very long and bloody war over just that issue. It’s been settled, unless some states are up for round two.

If they were in earnest trying to secede, yes, I think we would and SHOULD use force. The USA isn’t some social club you can just quit. Ask U.S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman about that.

If they were in earnest trying to secede, yes, I think we would and SHOULD use force. The USA isn’t some social club you can just quit. Ask U.S. Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman about that.

Bullshit. If California and its enormous economy tried to secede, in earnest, we’d have the army occupy and pacify the state. Tanks on the Pacific Coast Highway would be your going away party.

Huge difference between one group trying to form their own state and another attempting to form their own country.

Where did Jefferson write “life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the right to unilaterally blow this whole thing up, because you feel like it?” 

Easy for you to say. Imagine if California decided to vote on secession. Why would we, the other 49 states, allow it to proceed? Why do they have the right to even vote on it?

At least this post isn’t 20,000 words. It’s a start is what I am saying.

This. Dude knew what he was doing. Now he wants to walk it back since he became a “distraction.”

So, a waste of space, then. #Bernie

People concerned about what celebrities think about major issues makes me incredibly sad for humanity. Dooooon’t care:

I’d like to consume your content, but there’s no way in hell I’m doing it in podcast form. Pog form maybe, though.