Morrissey is a racist
Morrissey is a racist
“As for the Supreme Court, shit like this is what happens when you sit out midterms from 08-14 & listen to black folks like Marc Lamont Hill. The damage done by the judges this administration has allowed to be appointed will take us back decades. Thanks “woke” people. Thanks a lot”
I know the landscape has changed, but for at least a decade of not two, I’ve always thought they should revert to the original team’s name, The Braves.
Huh...welp, at least we know where many of The 53%™ work and/or support.
For the sake of everyone’s sanity, there should be a “TL;DR” summary at the end. I only made it the first couple of paragraphs.
Apologies in advance in case this has been brought to your attention already, but Jim Swift of The Bulwark has a very detailed account of the shit show these lawyers are:
May I add another possibility:
No, they aren't
I have a family member getting ready to join the Air Force. I guess my only advice is Head on a Swivel.
*welp* good luck, Omaha.
“him going full Karen (or Chad? Steve? Hunter? At some point the black delegation is going to have to settle on a name for male Karens)“
If it’s not a felony to file a false report based in hate, it should be. Also, I’ll give Franklin Templeton until Friday to fire this 53%er with cause.
No, thank you for doing the same for me🤗
Well it would explain why she was in the hospital so much. Shitting out your children must be so rare that I can't find it in the New England Journal of Medicine.
What the actual fuck am I looking at!? It’s like a rejected wax figure from Madame Tussauds that hasn't been melted yet because it broke the furnace. Twice.
Maybe it's just being stuck at home that is making me think this or an unfortunate reality that folks refuse to acknowledge, but why do I get the feeling that wypipo are too cowardly to do the right thing?
Obama... channeling Negrodamus🤣