
Eh, the videos of his screaming at her are hardly promising.

Yeah, I don’t have an opinion on Heard, but this is a really bad look for ACLU.

Yep, and then they’ll call you a communist for having the audacity to give a shit about people other yourself.

And already the, “If it affects performance or engine note? No thank you.” comments are out in force.
ie I’d rather have my child, or my friend’s children grow up in a filthier country where our children suffer more from a variety of diseases and neurological deficits all so that my car can go Vroom Vroom louder and

The key is, they didn’t provide their own video evidence of their crimes.

But they seem to have forgot the part about not telling anybody until YEARS later. Like, long after the statute of limitations has run out, years.

He’s running a tuner business for truck owners who want to roll coal. In other words, he’s advertising being an asshole because his target market is other assholes.

There’s a funny kind of blindness at work here. Building up a reputation for being a nice person, all else being equal, is good for business. What does this guy expect by going in the opposite direction?

“Tell me where you’ve seen a white conservative man who hasn’t been depicted as a total asshole”

Like a lot of things, it was easier to get away with back when it was word-of-mouth and there was plausible deniability. Today every halfwit in the country films their idiotic and/or dangerous behavior and what do you know, not everyone’s on board with it.

1: Do asshole thing and show it for all to see.

Tilapia somehow tastes like mud to me. I avoid it as well.

We don’t have those fish around here, but I would certainly eat them! I am mostly vegetarian but I cannot give up fish. I must have been some sort of marine animal in a previous life. Living on the Gulf Coast, a lot of people turn up their noses at mackerel and mullet (trash fish), but those are two of my favorites.

The casino boat I worked at briefly in college had to fire up the engines and move once per year to remain legally a boat. While this was a river boat and in a different state, it was still a boat who’s entire existing was a legal loophole. 

We are seizing assets of corrupt individuals from a belligerent country.
Russia would happily seize your hypothetical yacht even though your honest and your country hadnt done anything wrong.
Still want to complain to us?

This is just unimaginable to me. I realize I’m very privileged having grown up traveling overseas, but the idea that someone (an adult) would legitimately be frightened of going to a nearby city is incomprehensible.

Seriously, living in a rural area, people here are so afraid of all the scary brown/trans/gay/liberals/antifa infiltrating their backwoods towns that they’ll vote for guys like trump and his underlings. I can only imagine what they think it’s like in an actual city. I have a coworker who’s afraid to even go to the

I’m still traumatized by being stuck in 4 hours of standstill traffic on 395 a few years ago and having to pee SO BAD. From then on out, I kept an empty bottle in the car, you know...just in case. Because that’s what DC traffic is like. What on earth are these truckers even complaining about? Some of us used to deal

Probably too scared to go to the bathroom for fear antifa will steal their pee-pees. It is the level of logic they are on.

it will trigger a slow flow condition, which ideally will result in a customer notifying someone at the station that there’s something wrong”