
It’s incredible how few of you actually read the article or visited the linked website regarding the roads.

While the Class 4 roads are public roads, the town doesn’t want to deal with off-roaders and any potential shenanigans and damage.

Saying, “I need an ID to buy a candy bar with my credit card so why shouldn’t I need my ID to vote,” is a false equivalence, but it has the appeal of being logically sound on the surface. And that’s why politicians have found voter ID laws to be such a potent weapon.

I’m shocked they haven’t used this before. It’s kind of a grounded name that’s still current, and has a positive feel. Wattever. I’m sure they will charge an arm and a leg for it, anyway.

Man, the Ghia is such a good choice for an EV swap. It’s already a funky car and tossing an electric drivetrain in it just makes so much sense in that “eccentric teacher from a 90's Disney movie” kinda way.

The best part is they drive like a massive douche and then they always, ALWAYS, wind up parked at the same light as everyone they passed.

He talks about all of this in detail in his Autobiography. Anyone who loves racing and cars should give Carroll’s book a read:

Someone brought one of these to our big British car show a couple years ago. 289, British racing green, tan inside, completely original, and something like 175,000 miles. Rock chips all over the paint in the front, and heavy wear on the leather seats. It was glorious.

Now playing

Good questions, all. Yes, there are some in the drawer, but they get dried out, and let’s face it, that’s gross. I prefer the salt method preservation, as formaldehyde makes them ined... umm, unsuitable for other purposes. And, yes, they’re left over from a project, and my collaborators ended up declining ownership of

I am a 5 time jeep owner including commando, scrambler and wrangler unlimited and I HATE scowlly grill.

Then again, the look would also be worn out after seeing them on every new Jeep on the road,

There were a couple of these types in my neighborhood a few years ago.
1 grown adult and 1 12yro kid (my kid new him from school)

I didn’t mind the adult, I was outside one day and he stopped by, he would ride around the block once or twice to test after doing a mod or repair. 

The kid would tear around the park across

Even the ones who do nose-in, they still take like 3 attempts to back out of the spot because they don’t have a concept of how long their truck/suv is. Heck, I find myself acting as a spotter just so that they can get out faster (and so that they don’t hit my car).
Just another reason to have a more difficult driving

Lmao, Never go full Kool-aid Man.


That one of those new aluminum units? Truck made from steel should have survived that.

A thousand years ago when I was in high school, we had an issue with a redneck-wannabe who liked to ride his four-wheeler recklessly wherever he damn well pleased. He was also my next-door neighbor and we lived in town on a comparatively tony residential street. One day, he almost hit the guy who lived on his family’s

I had a few of them that kept destroying the corner of my fence. The last time after the kid did it, it destroyed his tires. He came home with a bullshit story, I told his dad he ran over my fence post because going through my yard was faster than just going around the corner and walked with him down the street to

Douchebro’s are just meth heads with more money so that checks out.

I grew up in bro capital of Orange County, and this was a major problem. Only instead of kids, it was 18-35yo bros that would try to fight you whenever you said something about it.

Time for YOU to put their antics on YouTube...