
Chik-Fil-A drive thru also goes much faster because the menu is much simpler, meaning there is a lot less customization and faster order processing...

The Furminator actually cuts your cat’s hair - I noticed some chunks out of my cat’s super fluffy coat, hence have since stopped using it. Recommend something like “Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker Brush” - I have two cats (long and medium hair) and these kind of bristles work best for their undercoat.

The Furminator actually cuts your cat’s hair - I noticed some chunks out of my cat’s super fluffy coat, hence have

If steroids are what it took to kill that mustache dead, then it was all worth it.

Yep, talking shit on the internet is SO MUCH WORSE than beating children! You sure have your priorities in order, dumbass!

That’s really too bad. I was hoping he’d get paralyzed. 

So he wanted to go to the Patriots because they are good and it would burn the Steelers, the Steelers said no, Rosenhaus is his agent, he has a series of bizarre issues that culminate in a demand to be cut, he gets cut, a camera crew following him around happens to catch him finding out and he starts cheering and

The fact that the Patriots getting Antonia Brown from Steelers ended up costing a third and a fifth round pick... from Raiders who got nothing in the end continues to both baffle me and be utterly hilarious.

Everyone involved in this saga on both the Steelers and the Raiders feels like a character in a Christopher Guest movie.

Rainbow Apple, Can only be one thing

Kill it with fire!

“But he’s done nothing in his young career but show he’s worth building an offense around”

The issue is opportunity. There are plenty of roles for white men. You could argue that there are less roles for plus-size white men, but there are far less roles, relatively speaking, for women of the same age and body type. 

The problem is he’s being lauded at all when the role could have just as easily gone to a woman who would do just as good a job as he did.

He’s not actually taking credit for inventing podcasts, he’s just using it as a joke to (affectionately) give Conan a bunch of shit about it.

If you were to trace the history of podcasts, which someone probably will and try to put into a book for irony’s sake, Maron’s podcast was the first one to get sustained attention outside of the small world of podcast fans.

I mean, I’d never really considered it. What if I really am just a belly-itcher?”

Yeah its so boring which is why I remember exactly how she looked, what she said, what she was wearing, how she tasted, how she felt... but I was terribly bored the entire time. It’s definitely not the only time I almost had sex.

Also I went to Harvard and she was totally impressed with that. I didn’t bring it up, she

I think Aaron covered the complexity in great detail, why would I do the same, thats not very fun

Tonight: Building the highway was racist, but tearing it down may be racist too, more at 11, back to you Aaron.

My girlfriend’s favourite t-shirts for me are the ones from Uniqlo that are like $10. No grown man should be wearing Snoopy on their t-shirt or a giant Nike logo unless they are sponsored.

My girlfriend’s favourite t-shirts for me are the ones from Uniqlo that are like $10. No grown man should be wearing