
so to you, thousands of pages of useless meandering is the show’s fault? the reason the final seasons have been rushed is because Martin is incapable of editing, and that’s the same reason he hasn’t actually written any pages in a decade. He can’t pivot his story into an endgame. He keeps bloating the edges into

wherein our author doesn’t realize he’s exactly the type of piece of shit yuppie who ruined the bay area

BMW doesn’t have a single car worth buying over any of their competitors. Across their whole lineup the bodywork is flabby and generic, the cars are vastly overpriced BEFORE the stupendously overpriced options are added, and the driving dynamics are for fat suburbanites who want to floor it on the on-ramp. 

audi a5 cabriole

Wrestling is Disneyland for a different sect of weirdos. You know those adults who go to Disney and, like, have a vacation there? As adults? It’s weird as hell. Same with Wrestling. We all liked Shawn Michaels kicking people in the face before we could drive a car, but it’s FUCKING WEIRD to still watch it when you’re

that’s what you get for buying a chevy

hey laura wagner, pretty weird you can’t take a thoughtful critique. it’s almost like you’re playing the same game as the barstool crowd. except your angle is haughty superiority instead of oafishness. I mean, obviously without the actual morality attached - can’t let facts or context get in the way of taking those

Ponder said, without a trace of proof, that Portnoy “made a video saying Scout should have been aborted”. Since Barstool is essentially a shitty reality show, everything they do and say is taped; this is an easily provable lie. That would seem to inform the crux of the beef, Portnoy (who is a garbage can shaped like a

Watching Manziel try his hardest to be a professional football player and failing is absolutely my favorite football side story this year. Fuck that piece of trash