
This whole time, I’ve ignored everything political over the past month. But one not get out of my head. Over the course of the election people have been shitting themselves over the things Trump has said, they’ve taken the words he’s said as gospel.

RE: Nerds - Don’t be fooled, some of those guys are loaded as fuck. When I was in the Indy hotel biz there is this huge ass nerd-fest called GenCon in Indy every year, its the largest gaming convention on the planet in regards to like D&D and Settlers of Catan and Magic cards, shit like that. Anyway, these guys play

He’s clearly going to be on a Ricky Bobby road to redemption tour against Borat.

You wrote about two teams out of Indiana and still missed the best one? Butler plays Indiana in December, it’s going to be a monster game.

Neil Rackers

The sports fan in me appreciates the fact that Marvin has gotten the Bengals from a perennial 3-13 pile of dog-shit to the consummate playoff under-performer.

Somehow he isn’t even on the “Fire this Asshole” list on Jamb0roo anymore...

They make socks that go under the boots to help them stay on dogs with tiny legs/feet.

Had a shelter dog that was terrified of the stairs. One day I came home from work and he was jetting up and down like no one’s business, he was clearly very proud of himself for over coming his fear and wanted to show off his progress. It was as if he had been working on it all day.

Your profit margin on an item that cost’s $1 is probably already complete trash. If you dilute it even further, that 2.3-4% could potentially completely eliminate your profitability. The place I see this the most of convenience stores, where people are picking up a handful of items that might have a 6-10% profit

Does the James May option give you shitty directions that get you lost all the time?

Are you purposely trying to paint some tenuous connection between this and the Hillary Clinton email debacle? It seems as if you are hoping readers are just going to make a pretty huge jump there on their own, judging by the comments...well done!

“Also his team’s grasp of federal powers is fairly paltry.”

Romo’s estate would have a case for premeditated murder when he died behind the Bronco O-Line.

Just to point out, the reason for this is that the vendor pays 2.3-4% to Visa, MC et. al. for the privilege of taking credit cards. Also why some places give discounts for paying in cash.


I’ve been hammering this point so fucking much the past three days.

Yeah, fuck steam!

a) voter fraud doesn’t happen, so ID checks aren’t necessary

I was almost afraid I was going to agree with a while HamNo article. Alas, I am safe. The part about the polls, to me, seems due to other factors. Everyone spent so much time being told, if you vote for Trump you’re a bigot/homophobe/misogynist but there are a lot of people who voted for Trump who are none of these,